Did you play the aircraft door during the flight?


Recently, the famous Boeing 767 US men actually want to open the door during the plane to fly through the air. Of course, his behavior was soon stopped, and eventually he was severely punished. However, the aviation experts pointed out that the aircraft door to be opened during the cruise is about 10,800 kilowatts - which is equivalent to lifting two African elephants. Therefore, this person's behavior is in vain.

John-Paul Clarke, a professor of aerospace engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, says typical aircraft cabin pressure is no less than an altitude of 2,400 meters. In addition, the aircraft door is different from the ordinary door, and its structural design makes the closest side closer to the outside than the nearest side. Therefore, it is impossible to push the closed door from the inside.


Professor Clarke pointed out that, in theory, if you want to open the door inside the plane, you need to pull it inward, in some way to turn, and then push it out. Due to the special structure of the door, in the flight of the aircraft, the pressure inside and outside the cabin will make the door closed more tight.

So, in the cruise altitude of the aircraft (11000 meters), how much force is required to open the door?

Experts estimate that the altitude of 2,400 meters of air pressure per square centimeter 0.768 kg (75264 Pa), while in 11000 meters per square centimeter 0.232 kg (22736 Pa). Boeing 767 hatch size of about 1.88 m × 1.07 m.


In order to calculate the pull required to pull the door inward during the cruise of the aircraft, it is only necessary to multiply the air pressure inside and outside the cabin by: (0.768-0.232) x 1.88 x 1.07 x 10 ^ 4 kg ≈ 10800 kg. Therefore, want to open the door in the Boeing 767 cruise, equivalent to lift two adult African elephants or six adult hippos, which requires great strength.

However, if the plane is less than 2400 meters, the situation will be very different. At this point, the pressure difference inside and outside the cabin is very small, easier to open the door. However, in order to prevent accidents, the aircraft door in the flight are locked, can not directly open. In any case, under normal circumstances, do not try to open the aircraft door, or ask for trouble.

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