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Guys today I would be sharing my hemorrhoid experience and how through modifying my lifestyle and using a suppository I felt all relieved and the hemorrhoids shrinked.


I recall vividly the pains I went through before Pharmacy school and during Pharmacy school as result of pile, I felt uncomfortable sharing this with anyone even my Aunt who was a Nurse by profession, the veins in my rectum were inflamed, I bled as a result of this and suffered from a lot of pain while sitting most times, I remember standing and studying in the library as the pain I get from sitting on those hemorrhoids were excruciating, now imagine passing through all this when living healthy wouldn't cost you much.

What is Pile or a Hemorrhoid???

A Pile (hemorrhoids) is a condition whereby part of the rectum prolapses this means you could feel part of the rectum outside in most cases mostly the pile contains inflammed vessels of blood on the inside, the pain associated with this was unbearable for me when I got into school.

What caused my haemorrhoids.

But what actually led to this? You might all be pondering, we understand the importance of taking enough glasses of water everyday, while you wake up in the morning, before eating and you almost need sufficient water in your system to aid the process of digestion etc. This was my first mistake, I knew the importance of consuming sufficient volume of water but I just take water at will maybe when thirsty.

Most times I suffer from constipation for a long time when trying to exert pressure while stooling the blood vessels at my back passage as a result of straining forcefully became inflamed and resulted to pile.

It all started with a serious tear in my anal cavity as a result of forceful straining when I was 16, I remember I wasn't a fan of taking sufficient water even before eating , neither was I a fan of taking roughages and fruits whenever I was provided with them as a boarder at 10+ I was already used to eating almost carbohydrates everyday so it became an ugly part of my life.

Most times I would refuse standing up from the toilet seat until I'm able to at least defecate a quantity of waste matter but because of my inability to treat my system the right way I kept suffering from constipation, sitting down for a long time on the toilet seat is very wrong, I was a victim of this activity and is a cause of pile...
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My lifestyle modification in treating and avoiding further hemorrhoids.

  1. I kept on pushing the prolapsed rectum into its right place asceptically so as to prevent contamination from the outside environment with a glove and vaseline.
  2. I also got into Pharmacy school and had the opportunity to learn about suppositories in Pharmaceutics, I remember producing my first suppository in 200L I got to understand that this were special agents used to externally only to handle conditions like pile, from then I did a study to know the various suppositories available, Finally there was Anusol suppository I began to insert this at evening hours before going to bed to sleep, the relief I got amazed me after a week.
    So to make this brief suppositories are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  3. I got to change my lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising once in 4days, drinking water more often, enhanced my fibre intake and always keep a bottle in my handbag when stepping out, I became a fan of fruits and vegetables as well
  4. I as well avoided most caffeinated drinks and medications such as painkillers as the also cause constipation.

Modifying my lifestyle did change my life entirely , I stopped straining that anal cavity and went to defecate each time I had the urge to.

So my little advice is this

Don't strain and tear you would be doing more harm than good, many end up getting rid of this haemorrhoids through surgery and non surgeries well I was neither under the effect of an anesthetic to remove haemorrhoids or undergo non surgical treatments such as banding.
All thanks to God for everything, you could help yourself to live right & eat right. The ball is in your court.

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