Aim High

Aiming high is recommended when one sets goals. Getting from Point A to Point B may be easy, but aiming high ensures that Point B comes as naturally to you as it could. If you set your goal against Point B, but set yourself out to aim for an area beyond that, say, Point C, then Point B would be easier to manage as a matter of principle.

Aiming high enables a person to make of himself something better than how he originally started. While it is always advised that one should see contentment when he can, you should not be content at remaining at a particular level.

A popular saying goes, “aim high and shoot for the stars”. Dreaming the impossible is not about not being realistic. It is all about visualizing that the concept of something improbable can happen, and that it can happen to you. You are not being unrealistic, in fact, it is your mind’s attempt at conquering what everyone else has only thought of.

To aim high is acknowledge that while there are limits to human capability, there are no limits to the human mind. To reach the target you have aimed for, is the bonus that comes with your prize of proving the limits and extent of your endurance.

Aim High.PNGAiming high also ensures that you get to where you really want to go, with as much ease as possible, knowing that you will just breeze through it because you shot for the stars always.

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