AIGO [ To Providing For Users with Easy of Payment Method ]


Hi Guys,,see Again With Me.
Blokchain technology is now growing very rapidly, so it will automatically change the way we live everyday. So it requires us to be able to keep up with the increasingly modern technological developments. The consequences of this technological development include the problems of education, agriculture and trade. This time I will introduce a cryptocurrency project that will provide convenience to users in resolving trade and payment issues.
Alright reader, this project I named AIGO. What do you think about this name ??
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If so, I will take you to discuss the AIGO project more fully ...

  • What Is This ?
    Adopting from blockhain technology, AIGO offers a variety of convenience for users to rebuild flexible payment methods using a credit card. This is a new system offered by AIGO in overcoming and resolving your payment problems. Technological developments are progressing, so that the competitiveness and activities of the people are increasing, so they will have less time to be able to manage and make payments through banking services. This is a new way that AIGO uses to send money per 2 per cent between the two parties without the existence of a third party. By using a decentralized payment system, AIGO has the potential to design infrastructure development. This is a way of modern payment methods, where each transaction is only done using a cellphone or desktop without any third party interference, using a digital system, flexible and accessible as a means of payment throughout the world. And AIGO provides a great opportunity for traders to resolve payment problems that exist at this time. What do you think ??


  • How Its Work ?
    By using the standard "De-Jure & De-Facto" (according to applicable legal regulations and based on reality), this is a motto owned by AIGO, to provide results and to achieve the expected goals. Where the aim of AIGO is to build an AI Paying Ecosystem by providing the actual function of AIGO Pay Tokens. Because this is a core aspect that must be owned by an Ecosystem to create progress and a strong Economy. Because every member in the Ecosystem, is required to comply with all the rules and conditions set by the Platform, and immediately resolve all disputes among members of the network, quickly to strengthen and enlarge brotherhood in Ecosystems in order to shape our strong economy in the world


  • Vision & Mission
    AIGO uses a payment system that is based on a per 2 per basis basis, AIGO has many adopted cryptocurrency payment methods, such as AIGOPay. Where by using this method system, users can freely conduct trade transactions without having to use additional services from banks. Because AIGOPay provides a strong and flexible protocol. Of course this will be very very beneficial for traders who are conducting trade transactions. Besides that, also by using this system can save time, energy and certainly will save costs, increase, efficiency and reduce the risk posed later. Because AIGO is a payment system through a platform with flexibility and scalability, and uses decentralized blockchain technology. And also by using blockchain technology in day-to-day application, of course this will greatly facilitate for users to do all the related arrangements for payment transactions, trade, and those dealing with banking.


  • Sollution
    From the beginning of the creation of payment cards and began to be developed in 1950, at that time there were still no personal computers and internet, so all transactions were done manually and offline. The payment card is only done by the way the customer must agree and sign the receipt at that time. Technology is increasingly evolving so that manual payment cards change into Electronic Payment Cards. And it can be ascertained that the costs incurred become more expensive and high. All this happens because the users are required to comply with all regulations made by these Payment Card makers. Just imagine, users are required to pay a 3-5% gross tax receipt per company. So from that, AIGO comes by providing a payment solution built to service traders, not exploit you. And built using blockchain technology, AIGO offers a great opportunity for the benefit of traders and consumers in a fully decentralized payment system. And we can be sure the core will provide convenience and benefits for traders when making payment and purchase transactions.

  • Token Structure


  • Token Allocations


  • Feature :

-Online Transaction Structure,
By using Transaction services online, AIGO makes it easy for traders and users, when making purchase transactions. Where only by using a Payment Card issued by the Card Issuing Bank, users can freely purchase goods. But it must be ensured if your funds are sufficient to make this purchase, because the issuing bank will confirm if your funds are not enough to make a purchase. If your funds are sufficient, the issuing party will confirm through an authorization code provided by the issuing bank together with the acquiring bank. after the acquiring bank receives the authorization code, the code will be returned to the trader. And the transaction is complete. This transaction runs very quickly and easily.

This is a way of transacting owned by AIGO, where customers and traders cannot proceed with a purchase transaction if the purchase money has not been paid. After the warriors make a purchase transaction, all transactions are forwarded to the acquiring company. And after the acquiring company receives a batch (proof of payment, the recipient company of this batch will immediately request payment for the registered buyer. And the money moves to the owner of the company. But the money will be deducted by interchange fees, and markup fees. And the rest of the funds will be deposited into the buyer's account or merchant account after completing the process.

AIGO offers a variety of costs to be carried out by traders / users. and all of these transactions use different price methods, including:

-Transaction Fees,
This fee is issued by traders and users when making transactions, these are costs that have been set by each. And these costs are not the same, depending on the prevailing bank policies. This fee includes exchange fees when making transactions, such as sending money from other user user accounts in trade affairs, and fees for appraisal fees and markup, set by the Issuing Bank.

-Fixed cost,
In addition to the costs above, there are more costs incurred by the users, namely fixed costs, which include terminal costs, gateway payment fees, annual fees, statement fees, network fees and others. This is a tax that must be issued by traders within one year of network makers.

-Cost of Genesis,
These costs are intentionally not set, because these costs aim to protect users from fraud and prevent fraud among other traders. Because in this modern technology era, there are many fraudulent acts from irresponsible parties in the name of the Issuing Bank. So, this fee is to protect users from these frauds.

The Payment Card bill is usually charged to the owner by the Card Issuing Bank, if the users have exceeded the usage limit set by the Issuing Bank. And parties from the Issuing Bank usually apply special policies to reduce losses and also request guarantees from users of Payment Cards. Indeed, by having this Payment Card, it is very easy for users to make purchase transactions. Because the users only through the friction of the card inserted in the special machine, they can already have the items they want. But remember when cardholders charge fees to their banks, banks usually reverse payment and return of cardholders. Because the Card Issuing Bank does not want to get the slightest loss, so the holders of the card are required to pay their dependents to the Card Issuing Bank.

  • RoadMap


  • Team


  • Advisors


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