Elegy To Ryan White (It's Never Too Late To Remember)

Aquaman says to you;
I see you; barely out of childhood;
Six months to live is what they say;
You're interested; in who?
That's what they say?
They think you're a sour dough?
Writing things about lengths of wood?
On the urinal?
This is your story, Ryan White;
Of Kokomo, Indiana
A bleeder at 3 days old
Keeping grace;
And he wouldn't stop;
Whenever someone cut him;
He gave it all;
Mandy Moore speaks your blessing;
Though you are beyond giving;
"Save a little for yourself
Never" and so she mentions to reserve;
We need an army, Ryan White;
A clean-cut kid who received the retrovirus;
In an age of Phil Collins and Peter's like sledgehammer's
They discovered AIDS, they named it in 1986;
Where did it come from? This was disputed
They settled in Africa, those academics;
That's very convenient; and a wordplay worthy of Shakespeare
But this is intimate material;
Far closer to home;
And so Ryan received the memory of the fourth reich
The Cold War; the War to end Love;
The kids rebelled, but they were struck by their carelessness;
They had a care; but they gave it away;
"Let the devil be my little sister," did they say;
And of course they are forgiven;
They are our parents;
I am forgiven too;
I am schizoaffective;
And now people know the extent of my affliction;
Even in church people treat me like they don't want me near;
And now a pattern emerges once more;
We have a leaf from a Queen Teen;
We have a leaf; who has it?
We have a new enigma; without a cure; with lots of rules to prevent it;
Ryan White; oh My God, you know about the rules they made
So you could stay in school;
But they spat in your veggies with tales of glucose
And they peed on your wall;
History repeats if you don't acknowledge the stream;
A retrovirus; love us GOD ALMIGHTY;
That's my DEITY; that's my RELIGION;
And order keeps me in order in this potato digging prom;
Let's dance with spoons; McCoy you've done it again
Call the WHO and let's get rocking;
We love the men in a dress;
We love the vulnerable of mine;
Who faux pas so much the precision is like twisting a cube;
And Dorothy was not in the 144,000 story treehouse
God as my Witness;
Hang with Toto; the real one;
Here is my Rose
For those who call a heart their home;
To those who got married in a fever tonight;
May you get cash as a compension;
And may you get the Carter
Who has toyed with your tongue;
I will speak for you in this age;
I will speak;
And remember; Genesis gave awareness;
That we shouldn't go before the universe began;
Perhaps that is retrome; gemma, stitch me up;

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