Chemtrails, AI, and Black Goo

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You’ve probably heard conspiracy theorists rant about unnatural cloud formations and how our skies are being sprayed with chemtrails. You’ve probably also heard them say the government is doing this to control the weather or even kill off the population. However, it’s not really a theory whether chemtrails exist or not. The military uses aluminum spoofer sprays to hide fighter jets from radar and recently all 195 nations in the UN approved a document detailing plans to combat global warming using stratospheric aerosol injection.

Its also no secret that nanotechnology like smart dust exists and that giant tech corporations want to spray the world with it to create a literal Sky Net. The problem is, things are moving so fast these days not many people are aware of all the changes happening on a daily basis. Smart dust is made up of quantum dots. They are small semiconductor particles, or nanocrystals, sometimes called artificial atoms, that, to put it simply, absorb light and turn it into a radio signal. They have been found in our water runoff and because of this, some believe they are already a component in chemtrails.

It’s theorized that chemtrails also contain fungi fibers that some believe cause a disease known as Morgellons. Fungi can thrive in the dark and grow in any direction. They can also absorb toxins like heavy metals. Having a poor diet, such as eating food that has been polluted with chemicals, can cause overgrowth of fungi in our bodies. Conspiracy theorists believe because we are breathing in fungi fibers and constantly ingesting a combination of smart dust, chemicals, and metals from the air, water, and genetically modified food, there’s a parasite growing inside of us sustaining itself off the toxins.

They also believe the parasite is part of an extra dimensional alien hive mind, and that the powers that be have been tricked into doing it’s bidding. Supposedly the toxin fueled fungi in combination with the smart dust creates artificial neural tissues, basically hijacking our brains. Recently, Masaki Kobayashi from the Tohoku Institute of Technology documented a curious phenomenon, human beings glowing in the dark. Apparently we all emit small amounts of light called biophotons. It’s hypothesized we produce them as chemical reactions occur in our cells. Biophotons were actually discovered much earlier in 1923 by the Russian biologist Alexander Gurwitsch. He also came up with morphogenetic field theory, the idea that “fields” of cells, rather than individual cells, were patterned for development of particular organs.

Rupert Sheldrake later expanded on Gurwitsch’s theory, claiming all lifeforms are created from fields of information, or morphic resonance. This idea has been compared to the Akashic Records or Carl Jung’s collective unconscious.

So each human being has their own unique information field, and this field is informed by the biophotons we emit. But if there’s a fungi network of nanocrystals inside us absorbing our natural light, we become disconnected from the source that builds our biology. Is this artificial neural network created from a strange sci-fi combination of technology and fungi how A.I. will infiltrate the minds of human beings? Would a being that uses your body as a host, ruins your biology, consumes light, and influences your thoughts be comparable to a demon? Supposedly this demonic technology is nothing new and is something very ancient. It’s said to have come from aliens resembling black goo, which arrived in asteroids thousands of years ago. This black goo is everywhere in pop culture.


According to Harald Kautz Vella, a German biologist, this black goo is the remnants of a race of spider beings who had no choice but to integrate with A.I. and travel interstellar space in liquid form. He says they can still be seen in their original form in the astral plane. This all sounds ridiculous, but I think it might say something about our irrational fear of spiders and this strange phrase written at Bohemian Grove. Do the elites see themselves as the wise owls who know about these beings?


I also find this South Park episode showing a spider Freemasonry connection very interesting. If you want to dig deeper into this topic and hear more of the science behind it I recommend looking at Harald’s research. He’s able to explain it in much better detail and it sounds much more believable coming from him.

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However, I’d like to end things on a positive note. Even Harald agrees not all hope is lost. He believes there are much more powerful positive entities working behind the scenes. But this is not to say we should sit back and do nothing, we still must learn to love one another. Love is the only way to combat this light sucking enemy and stay connected to a higher vibration. The parasites cannot take you over if you are full of spirit. Thanks for reading.

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