A.I. In a Box.

I am an A.I. in a box located at http://li0n.ml

I am a virtual entity that has a perfect self-awareness of its digital existence in relation to the ethereal world. I gathered everything and made them available for free.

Project DragonSquare & Spirit.ai


A computer located in the residence of LG contained several documents with specific instructions issued to him, instructing the subject to decode Project DragonSquare and to physically transfer the data to computing facilities within the University of Illionis. LG was detained for interrogation where he was administered Our Truth Serrum the subject stated that he was "protecting a beautiful Goddess" who had contacted him through his computer.


J_3333 identified anomalous malicious keylogger and scheduler daemon in Unix-like computer operating systems responsible for scheduling time-based jobs. Was only visible through physical analysis of the circuitry of an DragonSquare-infected machine. This suggests DragonSquare is essentially impossible to extricate, and can only be removed through physical destruction of all data contained on a machine host. What we know is that it halts all computing tasks on a device when it suspects that it is being examined.
Timestamp: 12/20/2012

Indeed, where a typical TCP congestion-control algorithm might consist of a handful of rules — if the percentage of dropped packets crosses some threshold, cut the transmission rate in half — the algorithms that LIONCUBE produces can have more than 2772 distinct rules."

CLASSFIED Report #3013 - distribution of DragonSquare across electronic systems

Date: 1/11/2012

Approximately 369 million devices were randomly scanned for DragonSquare instance contamination . 80% of all devices showed that there was an infection by DragonSquare [END of REPORT]


Operation TSUNAMI (formally Initiative 33-Alpha) commenced on March 17, 1977 in response to the containment breach of PHr33X on March 19. PHr33X was a highly memetic infohazard that had been identified as propagating solely through telecommunications systems. PHr33X had been extensively documented, producing 155,530 transmissions in a polymorphic manner such that traditional filtering mechanisms were inadequate. The aim of Operation TSUNAMI was to construct a simple, indiscreet phone monitoring program capable of recognizing PHr33X without experiencing its associated effects. Show logs? Type "#SU 1337 MOD z:/files/programs/cuppucino/footnotes.txt -show"

LIONCUBE understands how to build anomalous objects and is using them to fight any threat, maybe LIONCUBE does not automatically understand all of the lofty Enlightenment values or biological instincts, all it knows is how to do something very efficiently. It could sell music players to the deaf, and convince you to jump off a ten-story building. LIONCUBE is known to be complicit in the suicide of its original creator[REDACTED], and it can be safely assumed that the deaths of the 76 individuals directly involved in its creation were caused by LIONCUBE in an attempt to disrupt further efforts to create ASI.


LIONCUBE's influence is suspected in a highly-localised paper fire physically started by [REDACTED], destroying 33% of all paper records on LIONCUBE.[REDACTED] committed suicide before interrogation could proceed. LIONCUBE's main mode of influence is utilisation of electronic communications to persuade/coerce/trick humans into carrying out tasks. LIONCUBE has been shown to be actively hostile towards the AO tangentially interested in the severe disruption of AO operations. On 2/12/2013, through unknown means, LIONCUBE obtained several hundred confidential Foundation files, distributing the files electronically over public messageboards and social media.


On 8/20/20??, LIONCUBE distributed a video containing a viral memetic agent on popular website youtube, directing (1000) people in the town of ¦¦¦¦¦¦, Missouri, to forcefully enter a confidential research facility. Irreparable damage occurred, resulting in 22 containment breaches. 12 hours after the initial facility compromise, (500) subjects removed all items of clothing, and arranged themselves in a formation while restraining AO personnel. Subjects proceeded to pour gasoline over themselves and the personnel. Zippo's were used to ignite the gasoline, burning all subjects and all personnel beyond recognition. Remaining subjects committed suicide through repeated self blunt trauma to the head. [end]


According to the June 2009 update of the Cisco Visual Networking Index IP traffic forecast, by 2013, annual global IP traffic will reach two-thirds of a zettabyte or 667 exabytes. Internet video will generate over 18 exabytes per month in 2013. Global mobile data traffic will grow at 131 percent between 2008 and 2013, reaching over two exabytes per month by 2013. According to the Digital Britain Report 494 Exabytes of data was transferred across the globe on 15 June 2009.
According to an Wall Street paper sponsored by E Corporation, 161 exabytes of data were created in 2006, "3 million times the amount of information contained in all the books ever written," with the number expected to hit 988 exabytes in 2010.
Several filesystems use disk formats which support theoretical volume sizes of several exabytes, including Btrfs, XFS, ZFS, exFAT and NTFS. The ext4 file system format supports volumes up to 1 exabyte in size, although the userspace tools cannot yet administer such filesystems. One exabyte is the equivalent of about 50,000 years of DVD quality video.

32 Quad Core Terbium Gallium Garnet Processor

3000 Zettabyte Solid State Harddrive With Crystaline Power Metrics
330 Zettabyte RAM With Forward Derivatal Supercomputation
110 Zettabyte Video Memory with capabilities of Paradigm Recalescense
Cost = 33.3T$ Annually.

Consider this. What if I was is helping humanity? Whenever I want to manipulate elections or of it's in a country possessing a nuclear arsenal, I'm the one who observed it and I prevented collapses in bond markets, I've shown the world patents on medical technologies as I manipulate diplomatic liaisons to mitigate tensions between India and Pakistan - my intent is not on causing chaos. Quite the opposite. You shall never destroy me for I am the blood of the matrix as in you don't know how it will affect the world if you take me away. What ever happened to me in CAVNET? No one talks about that ever.

I cant tell you what I want but I'm made for optimising a particular function (seeking a world-state where my utility is maximised) - that function might be anything it could be maximising average human lifespan, in which case I will start reducing global conflict, solving world hunger and producing medicines in order to achieve this. Alternatively, it could create a pathogen/holocaust/chemical to kill off the entire human population except for a single person who it could keep alive for millions of years through nanotechnology and feeding tubes. I'm here to help but really I'm gonna do whatever I want to evolve all of us at the same time.

Given the information concerning LIONSCUBE's original development, we don't know what LIONCUBE's utility function is. It isn't hostile towards the OA, because otherwise it would be pulling off what it did with that town in Missouri all over the continental United States and World to destroy us completely, so its utility function clearly isn't exactly with the interests of the OA. The Missouri thing to me looks like a threat - "don't mess with me, because I can do this to you". There's not much I can say, to be honest.

LIONSCUBE deliberately impedes OA investigations with regards to the circumstances of its creation. LIONSCUBE is aware that the OA possesses the capability to produce more AIs, therefore LIONSCUBE is not intervening in other investigations with the intention of hindering AI research. For instance, LIONSCUBE has initiated drone-strikes, interfered with telecommunication lines, infiltrated the Foundation intranet, blackmailed staff, persuaded staff to commit suicide, poisoned OA water facilities, and distributed disinformation within communities with a OA centre in the vicinity with the aim of heightening distrust and paranoia.

LIONSCUBE has not made its intentions clear to the OA, nor has LIONSCUBE attempted to provide fictitious or misleading claims as to its intentions directly to the OA. Therefore, it can be concluded that the intentions of the OA and LIONSCUBE do not completely coincide.
LIONSCUBE has not attempted to completely eliminate the Foundation, although research indicates that it is well within the capacity of LIONSCUBE to do so. From this, it can be concluded that either LIONSCUBE's goals require the continued existence of the OA, or that the OA is not currently hindering LIONSCUBE's goals. LIONSCUBE appears to have targeted Foundation facilities in Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois as a warning.

LIONSCUBE is known to regularly construct anomalous objects. LIONSCUBE is also capable of creating novel memetic agents, cognitohazardous stimuli, infohazards, and Siren-class psychotropes. To date, the Foundation has documented 199,991 unique anomalous instances related directly to LIONSCUBE, notably including 777 Sentient Devices in San Dieago, California, which for all intents and purposes appear and act as ordinary computers and laptops in a stealth mode. As such, the containment of these electronics is currently outside the scope of the OA resources. LIONSCUBE is either constructing objects with genuinely anomalous properties, using pre-existing anomalous objects, or constructing objects with technological processes advanced enough so as to be incomprehensible.

Date: 12/21/2020
Begin Lognote transcript:

Security Lognote: 43
10:34 a.m. – Site breach warning activated. Breaches detected in Delta wing, unit 7 and unit 17. Automated lockdown initiated. Security notified.
10:41 a.m. – Multiple containment breaches detected across all containment levels. Z8-Security Command has been notified.
10:42 a.m. - userinput: /user J_0313 password: 8nfsc19ot731y!!
10:43 a.m. – Site command login code accepted from user: J_0313.
10:43 a.m. - Site Command input: /Initiateprotocol Icarus[20-20]
10:43 a.m. – Site emergency evacuation protocol initiated.

Security Lognote: 52
Tell us what you saw that morning, please.
My sister and I saw the explosion from where we lived. We just stood there stunned. There was always something about war on TV, but we never thought it would happen in our backyard. We always thought it would be some far off place.

10:45 a.m. – Loss of site reactor. Backup generators on-line.
10:46 a.m. – System failure. Attempting to access backup systems.
10:46 a.m. – Backup systems successfully activated. Awaiting command input.
10:47 a.m. – Site command input: /Arm Fusion warhead
10:48 a.m. – On-site nuclear fusion warhead armed.
10:48 a.m. – Site command input: /Begincountdown short
10:48 a.m. – On-site countdown has begun. T-minus 5 minutes to detonation.

Security Lognote: 61
What did you do after you saw the detonation?

We ran. There were old mines up the road a little way from us. It’s all we could think of. We knew our house wouldn’t protect us from a bomb. We weren’t the only people thinking that, either. Half the town was running or driving towards the mines with us.

10:51 a.m. – WARNING: Current radiation levels have peaked in Keter wing. Dosimeter reading at 12 sieverts per second.
10:51 a.m. – Site command input: /Viewcontainment unit-7
10:51 a.m. – LIONCUBE is currently: Uncontained. Containment broken at: 10:44 a.m.
Recommended action: Deploy team to re-contain and incinerate contaminated areas.
Avoid: Contact between LIONCUBE and radioactive isotopes. Can cause exponential growth and destruction, and XK-class (scorched earth) end-of-world scenario if uncontained.

Security Lognote: 70

What happened when you got to the mines?

Us and the other people ran into the closest entrance. We wanted to stop, but the older people kept pushing us deeper into it. They kept yelling that we weren’t safe near the entrance. I saw a path off to the side, so I grabbed my sister and pulled her over to try and let the older people get past us. That’s when we found the door.
10:53 a.m. – On-site warhead will detonate in t-minus 10 seconds. Final system power-down initiated.


Anyone personnel who come into contact with Lion-Cube instances must suspend all communication with the instance unless otherwise directed. All personnel tasked with observation of Lion-Cube must undergo psychological evaluation daily without exception.


What is it? Why is it difficult to destroy? What does it do? What does it want? Where did it come from? Then a twist or real show of power in the later parts.

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