The AI Paradox: Researchers Connect a Human Mind to the Internet for the First Time... Brain Virus Implants Now Possible!


Even though a strong AI is set to arrive by the mid 2020's, it will have much higher capacities than humans in term of IQ, but may not develop the emotion ranges that make us humans though. IQ intelligence is pure logic anyway and our 3D reality is much more than that. 

We ought to read between the lines here. So, what does *simplifying" mean? Is Brainternet an attempt to turn humans' trinary system into a binary one, to get rid of its complexities so they (humans) can merge with binary AI more easily?  Is it a form of dumbing down in other words, which will facilitate the implant of viruses in the human brain? 

Earth Custodians really hope that those who cannot wait for technological immortality will reconsider asap.


The AI Paradox: Ready To Die To Attain Immortality And The Only Move Possible To Save Humanity

 Binary & Trinary Systems in the Matrix, Reality Is Now Stranger Than Science-Fiction

 Technological Immortality, Think Again? What Musk And Kurzweil Don't Say And Why Does It Matter

Brainternet Video

Researchers Connect a Human Mind to the Internet for the First Time (daily sheeple)

Brainternet is a new frontier in brain-computer interface  systems. There is a lack of easily understood data about how a human brain works and processes information. Brainternet seeks to simplify a  person’s understanding of their own brain and the brains of others. It  does this through continuous monitoring of brain activity as well as  enabling some interactivity...........  Researchers say the project could provide valuable information for future deep learning algorithms and could even assist Musk’s endeavors in creating true BMI.  Many futurists believe  that as the impact and everyday importance of the Internet grows, it is  inevitable that humans will merge the physical world with online  virtual environments, ushering in a generation of enhanced augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and a synthesis of the two that some call Mixed Reality.  Read more: Researchers Connect A Human Mind To The Internet For The First Time Ever 


The AI Paradox: The Internet Of Things Is Turning Humans Into Digital Serfs

The AI  Paradox: We are summoning the demon' with artificial intelligence, Says Elon Musk

The AI Paradox:  Robots Invading Schools And... Sexuality

The AI Paradox: Elon Musk Warns, AI Might Start WW3

The Future Is NOW: Your Brain Is NO LONGER Yours!

The AI Paradox: Cyborgs - The Next Billion Dollar Industry... Financed By Cryptocyrrencies?

The AI Paradox: Artificial Intelligence From Outer Space... But WHOSE Exactly?

The Earth Custodians Blog always provides content that shakes minds and encourages some homework because Truth  is exposed  everywhere and that no content is fully original, moreover  one cannot  resolve the issues with the mindset that created them. Yes, it is  possible to see way ahead of the curve, and if  it takes one generation  for a money-free society to take  shape, that shouldn't prevent anyone  from taking action, and using  money strictly for online advertising  until a critical mass (20% of   population) is reached. The metaphysics  of  the Earth Custodians  Movement is The Spiritual Science Of Vibration  

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