Self consultation with Artificial Intelligence


This is the recommendation of the GPT-3 language model to me. How do I share my knowledge with other people and how to behave properly:

1- Understand your opponent's goal;
2- Observe people's emotions and adapt;
3- Prepare for important conversations by talking with someone you know well;

This is a simple prompt composed with the tool:

This machinery is derived from the works of OpenAi:

Example of how it can interface with natural human language

The GPT-3 used more than 5 million dollars worth of energy studying patters in human writing. This system is excellent in choosing the next words. My job as the user is to elaborate a context that after being processed by the DungeonAi engine will give me some text string valuable for my use.

The first step is to write my context rich enough and precise enough for the GPT-3 language model to give me back a valuable text. My context will be more clear next post, when I'll try to feed the engine my own personal daily situation and hopefully get a rich vision for the future with understandable practical steps.

See you next post.

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