Cayenne pepper is a major ingredient in cooking. Cayenne pepper is much in demand, but it is also expensive. So when this cayenne pepper business ditekuni it will get a big advantage, because in planting the true cayenne pepper it will produce a satisfying fruit.

I'm sure we've all seen chili pepper and ate it. for us who usually eat food with chilli sauce, it is not complete what if not dilenkapi with chili sauce. Therefore chili can not be separated by daily life because almost all the types of dishes we eat using great cabi spice or cayenne pepper.

The types of chilli rawi that are often cultivated are as follows:

  1. small chili or chili pepper
    the fruit is small and short, more spicy than other chilli peppers.

  2. white chili or lamb chilli
    the fruit is larger than chili jemprit or chili pepper, and it tastes less delicious.

  3. chili lettuce
    the fruit is bigger than the chilli pepper and smaller than the lamb chilli. It does not taste like chili jemprit. youthful green after cooking bright red.

The growth of good cayenne pepper and its high production is our desire and expectation. to reach that stage we have to do cultivation activity of chili pepper using the following stages:

  1. soil processing
    can be done plowing or hoeing as deep as 25-30 cm until the soil becomes loose. after that leave 7 - 14 days to get sunlight
  • making beds
    • width of beds 100 - 120 cm
    • 20 - 30 cm high beds
    • distance between beds with other beds 30 - 45 cm. direction of the bedeng extends to the north south.
  • good manure requirements are
    • odorless
    • not hot
    • blackish color, and
    • really mature
  • distance of cayenne plant as follows
    • 50 x 100 cm
    • 60 x 70 cm
    • 50 x 90 cm
  • the way of plant distance spacing
    a. attach the rope kenca (straighteners) parallel to the length of the bed, about 10 cm from the edge of the bed
    b. measure the desired plant distance along the length of the rope
    c. make a plant hole in accordance with the distance of the plant, then give a large fertilizer
    • Manure = 1 kg / hole
    • urea fertilizer =
    • TSP = fertilizer
    • KCI fertilizer =
    d. mix the three artificial fertilizer hinga rata and input on each hole that has been made
  1. nursery
    nursery is an activity to produce seeds
    plants or prospective plants are good. As for the stage of nursery is as follows:
    a. making a bed or a nursery, the size of the nursery bed as follows
    • 1 - 1.2 m wide beds
    • 3 - 5 m long beds
    • 15 - 20 cm tall beds

b. seeding seeds
the need for seeds for one hectare ranges between
300 - 500 seeds. before the seeds are sown or sown, the nursery is evenly watered. some how to sow the seeds of cayenne pepper as follows:

  • seedlings are free or sown evenly
  • seedlings in line
  • grouping seedlings
  1. planting
    seedlings of 1 month old chili pepper planted immediately. planting should be in the afternoon so the plants do not wither
    the characteristics - cirri seedlings ready for planting are as follows:
    • has been one month old
    • are not attacked by pests and diseases
    • Uniform plant growth
    how to plant
    • Flush seeds to be planted
    • select seeds that will be planted
    • remove the bumbung or pelastik from the seeds
    • Compress the soil around the seedlings that have been inserted in the hole so as not to fall

  2. Plant maintenance

a. sprinkling
watering done 2 times a day or in accordance with the state of the soil.

b. weeding
wild races that grow in the plants must be dicick or in the afternoon with a cored or sickle

c. fertilization
the amount of fertilizer needed in one hectare is
• urea = 200 kg
• TSP = 200 kg
• KCI = 150 kg

d. pests and diseases
pests that often attack rwit chilli plants are as follows:

  • angry mites
  • aphids are yellow
  • fleas or thrips

signs of stricken plants

  • colored plants such as silver
  • plants look pale
  • leaves to wither


  • remove the affected plants heavily
  • collect parts of the affected plants, then burned

Harvest is an activity that we later - later to enjoy the effort during planting, the production of cayenne pepper is almost the same as the big chili, it's just the longer age of cayenne pepper 2-3 years, so that the production of cayenne is higher than the large chili.

Cayenne pepper can be harvested green (young) and harvested red or ripe. When the cayenne pepper is green, the chili looks pithy and contains.

Pemanena cayenne pepper can be done 4 - 7 days once depending on the peda market price situation

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Hopefully CULTIVATION CABE RAWIT useful. thanks.

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