Hello steemians! It's me @omonosa and I really feel everyone should read this! It's my little experience!

Being a homesteader and that I have been helping in my sister's farm lately which is in a rural area, I felt I really needed to share my experience as the whole running around took me to quite some communities in the area here in Nigeria where I saw a lot of farmers working. It seemed farming was their major occupation there..

Coming from the Urban area where practicing agriculture(farming) was something better than what I saw, I thought to myself 'We over here do not work as hard as these people'. The saddening part is that farmers here earn a better living.
The prices of the same produce are more expensive here yet they were better and fresher over there... free from chemical additives!



I wish I went with a means of getting pictures ignoring the fact that I had to move without my devices for security reasons! We even had to walk as there was no good road access to the farms!!
I really started to think of government policies and what I wrote about private agriculture firms earlier...

But how can these farmers really be helped is the big question.
Some agencies really need to leave their comfort and come over to places like that to see for themselves that it is not all rosey as the urban areas site it!!
The farmers can't afford mechanization, their only source of water is a river two communities away and I was told, road access is poor and yet they still have good produce!! It is just so pathetic.

Yes!! Hoping is not the solution to this problem. People need to come here and see. Government need to help!!
I really wish that i wasnt just a student and that I had the manpower to support those farmers. Imagine how just one tractor and a solar powered water supply will help and give them joy!!

The truth is, many of us may one way or another have come across situations like these not even in agriculture alone and haven't said anything probably because you feel you have nothing to do!!... You do!!
Channel them to appropriate agencies, bring these people to light, go to a press and publish if you can, draw attention of people you know can help, don't keep quiet because you are comfortable with life!

Agencies!! come out of your zone and reach out!! Reach out! Make life a better place for farmers and the families they cater for!!

They contribute to food sufficiency!



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