Essential Advice For Everyone.


If you've already taken the Red Pill, then let this list be a general reminder if you find yourself swerving away from the path to the Truth. For people who are starting to realize that there must be more to the narrative than this, and they want to start looking behind the curtain, this list could prove invaluable. Everything is connected, and if you went to a public school like me, you were deprived of this little secret. (Among many many many many other little secrets). I hope you find this list useful, and may it open many doors for you.

Educate yourself.

Start to learn about critical thinking skills like the Trivium, which is the ultimate bullshit detector. It was taken out of public schools for a reason. I strongly suggest following the Peace Revolution podcast series from It has changed my life. Start with episode one and work your way up as you go. Take notes, and brace yourself for an explosion of resources to self learning. Richard Grove was supposed to have died (been killed off to be kept silent, actually) in 9/11. His subsequent path into the Matrix has fortunately become a brilliant beacon of knowledge and understanding for countless others.

Equally imperative is to follow James Corbett's work at His podcast series are mind blowing and the best thing about his work is he provides all his sources. He considers his reports as just a tool for us to continue our own investigation if you wish. He welcomes debate, but it's nearly impossible to debunk his work.

Stop consuming GMOs, refined sugars, and MSGs.

Just stop. You must start cleaning your body and your mind. There are many sources on this topic, but the website that was a guiding light for me was Mike Adams has the tendency to appeal to many fallacies when he gets opinionated on religion and politics, but nobody understands the real war against our health by government entities than him. He even has his own in-house laboratory where they break down what's really inside many products people consume daily.

Turn off your TV.

If nothing else, turn off the main flow of TV where you're bombarded with adverts, social engineering, and predictive programming. Bill Hicks was right when he said that if you work in marketing, just kill yourself.

Educate before you vaccinate.

As you can see, any one of these points I'm making are worthy of their own complete article. Vaccines are huge business for big pharma at the expense of the people. Don't do it.

Teach your own.

If you homeschool, or if you are thinking about it, essential reading is anything by John Taylor Gatto and John Holt. Government indoctrination centers are actually designed to do the opposite of what they claim to do. I suggest start this investigation by reading Gatto's "Dumbing Us Down." I read that book long before I ever had kids and I found it shocking. It definitely planted a seed that sprouted. I also highly recommend "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" by whistleblower Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, a former Senior Policy Advisor in the U.S. Department of Education, and "Lies My Teacher Told Me" by James W. Loewen.

Grow Your Own.

It doesn't matter if you have a small inner city balcony or 100 acres, you can grow your own food. There is nothing more empowering than taking control of what you eat, and saying "No" to the bombardment of poisons we're faced with from Big Ag and Big Pharma. Grow organic and learn to harvest your own seeds. Use heirloom varieties and join gardening clubs. Do it.

Spread the Word.

Learn about, and practice the art of non-violent communication. It's a more likely way we're going to be able to communicate to Sleepers who are heavily engaged in cognitive dissonance. I suggest reading "The Art of Non Violent Communication" by Marshall Roseberg. A prime example of someone who has mastered this art is Adam Kokesh. Here's an example.

Get active in Agorism and counter economics. This is a realistic, viable solution to the question of "What can we do?". I suggest Derrick Broze and John Vibes' trilogy The Conscious Resistance: Reflections on Anarchy and Spirituality, Finding Freedom in an Age of Confusion, and Manifesto of the Free Humans. They're great books, short and too the point, that combine spirituality with practical agoristic applications. They provide a great reading list of absolutely essential readings for anyone who wants to dive further into the subject. Also read "New Libertarian Manifesto" by Samuel Konkin III, and "Neighborhood Power" by Karl Hess.

And here's a great source of documentaries to start your expansion.


In conclusion: Educate yourself, teach your own, grow your own, make your own, turn it off, trade it, use alternative currencies, shop local, meditate, don't vaccinate, think positive, manifest your own positive reality, love is the opposite of fear.

Thanks for reading.

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