Don't Vote


Voting, as it currently functions within the State, is a key component in turning the myth of State authority into what appears, for many, to be 'reality'. The only 'reality' that arises from it is a dangerous mental delusion that it is perfectly normal, and acceptable, to use violent extortion against innocent people.

Many imagine that, at the moment of voting, they have exercised their 'power' and that the politicians live in fear of their collective will. At the moment of voting people give up all their power.


They have publicly stated that their entire contribution to the politics of the world we live in consists of endorsing a politician salivating over the prospect of wielding the power that comes from harnessing the mass delusion.


If you want a better world you can start by not reinforcing the myth in the minds of armed men, who you do not control,


that they are representing your best interests and then discovering that they do not.

Before decrying everyone else for their 'dumb' voting decisions, take a look in the mirror and think about your own next 'smartest' move. If it involves endorsing the next violent extortionist (no matter how well intentioned he/she appears) by voting, then you only have yourself to blame for the results.

As ever, Larken Rose manages to press the point home ...

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