The AoE Steemleague - Round 1: Results!

Bildschirmfoto 2017-11-04 um 00.37.06.png

And the winner of the first ever Age of Empires 2 on steemit is…

… nobody

What happened?

Three players had registered for the first round - @robertdurst10, @darkflame and myself, @theaustrianguy.

Unfortunately, @robertdurst10 never responded to any messages or replies and therefore didn’t play any matches at all.

@darkflame was also really busy and had to leave both the matches we played after like one minute.

In the first game, I didn’t realize this for like 20 minutes – I just had set up my base in a nice and safe way when I discovered he wasn’t doing anything.


Since there was no response in the chat I decided to end the game with my villagers.


However, my last action was the conversion of his scout. After this one I “won” the game.


Definitely not the way I wanted the first round of this tournament series to end – so we won’t count it!

What now?

Since I don’t want to count this round we will switch round #2 with round #1.

So, the next round being played will be “The AoE Steemleague - Round 1: The Celts (10SBD price money!)” again.

I hope this is ok with the already registered four players!

If you want to join you can do so here:

The AoE Steemleague - Round 2: The Goths (10SBD price money!)

But please only participated if you have time and the necessary things like a Steam-Account + the game ;) Be fair!

Last words…

I feel sad that the first round had to end this way. But my vision of a weekly AoE2-tournament series here on this amazing platform is still alive.

This reminds me of my favorite picture:


“It doesn’t matter how often you fall down. It just matters how often you get back up.”

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