AG Barr Wants Trump to Stop Tweeting About Justice Department Cases

-Let's get to the news. Former White House Chief of
Staff John Kelly gave a speech last night
forcefully criticizing President Trump's conduct
in office. Alright, cool, but you worked
super closely with him for almost two years. This is like leaving
a hospital job and saying, "Oh, by the way, Dr. Friedman
never washed his hands." [ Laughter ] Why are you just telling us now? Did "Dancing with the Stars"
not call you back? I can't believe
I'm going to say this, but I have more respect
for Scaramucci. That dude was there
for a week and a half, but he's been out here warning
us about Trump for two years. So...
[ Laughter and applause ] So why don't you put your face
back in your hand and carry it out to the garbage? President Trump hinted yesterday
that he may pardon his former adviser Roger Stone, who was convicted as part of
the Russia investigation. Oh, come on, Roger Stone doesn't
get pardoned from prison. He escapes from it.
I mean, look at him. [ Laughter ] Like a '60s Batman villain. If he does get pardoned,
this is what it will look like. [ Laughter ] Attorney General --
[ Applause ] Attorney General William Barr
said in an interview today that he hopes President Trump
will stop tweeting about Justice Department
criminal cases like that of former adviser Roger Stone
because it makes it impossible for him to do his job. And then Trump
immediately tweeted, "You mean your job of
covering up my crimes? Is that what you mean?" [ Laughter ] Mayor Pete Buttigieg was caught
on video attempting to do the "raise the roof" dance
at a campaign event. Let's see a few seconds of that. -Go, Pete! We've got this! [ Cheers and applause ] -That does not look like
a raise the roof. [ Laughter ] That looks like the way
you answer the door when someone
has a gun in your back. "No, everything's fine, Carol.
Just come back later, okay? Yes." According to a new report,
Senator Bernie Sanders has had more fundraising success
with Latino voters than any other candidate. But once they hear
Mike Bloomberg speak Spanish, that won't change.
[ Laughter ] Tomorrow is Valentine's Day,
which means the only cards Duane Reade has left are to
"my daughter's hot friend." [ Laughter ] Got to get in there earlier
in the week, everybody. The Los Angeles chapter of the
American Federation of Musicians yesterday endorsed Senator
Bernie Sanders for President, while Biden was endorsed by
the slide whistle union. [ Slide whistle ] [ Laughter ] Today --
[ Applause ] Today was international condom
day, in case you were wondering why today felt good but not,
like, as good as it could have. [ Laughter and applause ] Like, I'm still glad
we had the day. [ Laughter ] According to a new study,
dairy cows experience a phase in their development
that is similar to puberty. Said teenage cows...
[High-pitched voice] "Moo." [ Laughter ] [ Normal voice ]
And finally -- [ Laughter ] And finally, NASCAR and Verizon
announced a deal today to upgrade wireless connectivity
at 12 racetracks, so NASCAR drivers can now
finally use Google Maps. -Keep turning left. Keep turning left.
Keep turning left.

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