A Mental Patients Theory on the Afterlife

About 3 years ago now I went through a phase of psychosis. This basically meant I believed crazy things and had lost tough with reality. During that time I did a lot of thinking on some out there topics ranging from how what is god?, to what happens after death.

The idea that I settled on and the belief that stuck with me after months of contemplating was that there is actually a life after death.... Well, sort of..

My thinking behind this may be completely wrong but I still like the idea of it. From hearing about people who have tried ayahuasca ceremonies, quite often you hear them say they've lost touch with time and that time did not exist where they were on their journeys. Since DMT is the main ingredient in ayahuasca, and DMT is also released in very large quantities at the moment of death, this got me thinking...

What if the DMT released in your brain at death causes such an intense trip that time ceases to exist for you in that moment before your brain dies. To everyone else around you, time passes normally and they just witness you pass away now knowing what you will experience after, but what if relative to you, time becomes endless within that moment outside of the normal world due to the DMT being released.

This would imply that you may live forever within that white light so many NDEs (Near Death Experiences) report. Time is relative, we all experience time differently depending on a number of factors. It's a nice thought to think that you might live within a magical DMT trip for eternity after passing away.

Most of what I just wrote could be nothing more than the ravings of a mental patient, and if I'm wrong, fuck it, at least we'll have one hell of a short DMT trip to experience right before moving on!

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