Africans Are religious?

 Well , you may very well say so. It is not about churches or mosques in this case. It is in the innate feeling that Africans in general tend to possess, in the existence of Divinity. 

Even before any form of civilization, Africans have put up statues to bow down to. This may easily be misconstrued to be totally based on superstition etc but you can also equally call it misplaced knowledge. Perhaps, if these ones had a bit more knowledge, they will have become adepth in the Scriptures and likely sought after Jehovah. Who knows!

It is just like Saul in the bible who persecuted the prophets, yet Jehovah saw good, in Saul's devotion to his misplaced cause and redirected him onto a path of righteousness.

Bottomline is, Africans seem to possesses a certain level of depth, that is needed to experience the presence of something deep and beyond; something higher.
More recently though, the African nations are filled with way more religions. Christianity and Islam have gained popularity but this doesn't always necessarily mean a more lawless country. It is not uncommon to see oppression and lawlessness in the face of too much religion. 

However, it is also not uncommon to find a criminal call to a god! Even armed robbers would do some sort of prayer before they go out to perpetrate crime, with firm believe that there is some supreme power that'll back them up.

There are atheists in Africa no doubt; but the general vibe, you will get when you enter an African nation, is not exactly the church-or-mosque feeling; it is more of a warm feeling, that you get, in a nation that feels there is Supremity somewhere, not necessarily because they go to a Church or a Mosque but because they feel it within themselves, that there must be!

This is very different from entering a nation and you are instantly told that the nation is predominantly Islam or Christian, if you know what i mean!

No doubt, this is sort of a plus because even though you entered the war zones of Africa, you can still get the feeling, that the person with that gun, will not just pull the trigger. As dangerous as he may look, there is a part of him that thinks twice; or maybe trice.

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