The Africa story

Narrator: The women of Umunze kingdom
danced greatly, you should have seen their
dance steps and how they shake their whippy
waist. oh what a glorious day, a day in which
Their young and handsome king have finally
found someone whom he loves after rejecting so many beautiful maidens and princesses
presented to him.
The entire villagers accompanied the young king
and his lover to the palace, singing joyful songs,
the drummers (top left) were in high spirit,
beating their drums skillfully in other to produce
sweet melodious beats that everyone danced to
and this includes the elders and members of the
royal cabinet of Umunze kingdom, gallant
soldiers, maidens, the women and men, little
children who were super excited and the
drummers themselves, all dancing happily.
Princess Adamma (in white) was so happy that
she wouldn’t stop smiling, ikemba seem to be
happier than her from the look on his face as he
waves at the people who were saluting him. NNE was just enjoying the whole moment, for it’s the kind of thing she likes, CELEBRATION and
ATTENTION. She celebrated this moment with
her best friend and in turn the handsome young
men of Umunze were already eyeing ‘the-sister’
(NNE), trust NNE naw, she began to do her own
SHAKARA (playing hard-to-get) like her big sister
in the hard-to-get ministry – PRINCESS
It was about 30 minutes’ walk from the kingdom
boundary to the palace, but because of the
whole activities on the way, it took them about
an hour and 30 minutes to arrive at the palace.
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Narrator: in the evening of the same day, Ada
and ikemba sat outside the palace of Umunze,
with the cool breeze of the evening blowing
across them and the full moon shining brightly
over their heads while Ada’s entertainment god
– IKEMBA told her a lot of interest stories and
taught her so many beautiful songs while he
sings them to her in a very FRUITY voice.
There are so many girls in the world who know
how to dream DREAMS (of a perfect life and a
perfect relationship) but even the best
would never dream of what the princess is
experiencing within Ikemba’s company. It was
perfect BLISS, indescribable by words but felt by
emotions, A SOLAR PLEXUS of emotions in
parallel proportions, experiencing true love at its peak-Est PEAK. When two hearts that loves each other greatly UNITE for a common goal, a spark is ignited, the possibilities are endless and there is no opposition that assails their relationship that wouldn’t be CRUSHED completely
Princess Adamma would not stop looking at
ikemba with her eyes fixated at his eye balls and
his lips. She was METICULOUSLY observing how
they move in unison when he speaks and when
he smiles - THE GIRL IS IN LOVE.
And at a point when she couldn’t hold it in again,
she asked him a question...
Ada: how did u learn to be this romantic? To be
able to make a woman fall for you and fall
completely? Crashing into YOU without breaks?
Throwing all of her senses out of the window,
while she pleasurably follows you? What’s your
secret? Where is your magic?
Ikemba: u feel all these for me?
Ada: more than that, far more than that U know.
Everyone around me believes that a perfect man
doesn’t exist anywhere in the world. But here I
am, sitting before one, having the privilege to
look eye to eye with someone that many more
beautiful and powerful princesses than would
kill for. You are special you know that? Am just
wondering if I deserve someone like you? I don’t
even think am that special…?
Ikemba: hey! Don’t say that. I think we are
meant to be.
Ada: really?
Ikemba: yes, am very positive about that. U
know when I first heard about you, I heard that
you were a very beautiful princess, but that
didn’t move me, I gained interest into you the
minute I learnt that you have rejected
uncountable marriage proposals and turned
down advances from many princes and men of
noble value, then something struck me, a voice
began to echo unceasingly in my head “you and
her are meant to be. She’s rejecting all those
men because she’s keeping herself for you, she
actually waiting for you, don’t keep her waiting
for too long” at a point in time I couldn’t resist
this voice again, so I decided to take action and
LUCKY enough I gained INTEL that you and your
friend were on the way to the stream to have an
adventure… do u know what that means to me?
immediately I realized that you were my kind of
person and that our BODY CHEMISTRY was very
high. I too, have a passion for an adventure, am
an adventurous warrior (been in the battle field
since when I was 10) I also have a passion to be
different from other princes and to fall in love in
a different way to a different person. So, Iimmediately drew out a master plan on how to
meet you like 99.9% of your marriage suitors
never met you before… I…
Ada: wait… wait… wait… first of all, how did you
know that myself and NNE were on our way to
the stream? And second of all, don’t tell me that
the whole rape scene was a setup, that it was all
your master plan to MEET MEEEEE…???
Ikemba: it very obvious that you don’t know
how powerful Umunze kingdom is, we have
spies in every kingdom within this region
(Umuaku your kingdom included), ranging from
elders to maiden and then to trustworthy
this is why we are a step ahead of every
kingdom in this region.
Ada: oh! That’s too much to take in… who was
the spy? Please tell me? Or… don’t worry, don’t
worry we will talk about that later… but now you
A SETUP? Was it your idea?
Ikemba: HA HA HA HA
Ada: stop laughing! Please tell me ok? Am
serious now, look at my face. Oooh! Am not
laughing with you now, you have got to tell me
Ikemba: HA HA HA HA HA. My princess, you are
too young to understand many things, I learnt
from my father that “in times of critical need for
survival, a king would permit a NECESSARY
EVIL, in other to achieve a desired and pleasing
end” this is too big for you to understand now,
but u have to keep trusting me, ok?
Ada: not okay! So u planned it right?
Ikemba: oh! PRINCEEEEEESSSS! I think we
should go to sleep now, its midnight already and
your father would be here by tomorrow.
Ada: there you go again, how do you know that
my father will be here tomorrow? There’s so
many mysterious things about you…
Ikemba: I know, I know my love and with time
am going to tell you everything, EVERYTHING I
promise ok?
Ada: okay! I love you.
Ikemba: I love you too honey. When tomorrow
comes just play along with my plans ok?
Ada: alright. Goodnight honey
Ikemba: goodnight.
Narrator: ikemba cuddled Adamma all through
the night and she slept like a baby in the warmth
of his arms.
Narrator: when the king of Umuaku kingdom
arrived with the elders, they were surprised that
they were given a free access into the kingdom
as if they had been expected and one of the
guards led them to the palace to see the king.
On getting to the palace, the already informed
king was waiting for them to arrive and he
turned his back towards them all through their
stay in the palace, this was for two reasons;

  1. To hide his face from the king
  2. To give them the impression that they were
    not welcome.
    Ikemba: our people use to say that “a toad
    doesn’t run in the afternoon in vain, either it’s
    chasing after something or something is
    pursuing it”. King and elders of Umuaku
    kingdom, what brings you to our kingdom
    today? What can we do for you?
    King: em, Igwe Umunze e ga di (king of Umunze
    u shall live long). You are right when u said that
    adage, we have really not come here in vain, but
    rather to solicit for help from your kingdom...
    Ikemba: for help? What kind of help is that?
    King: the queen of our kingdom fell terribly ill
    after the sudden disappearance of our beloved
    daughter princess Adamma. We have sought out
    the wisdom and expertise of our best
    PHYSICIANS and even PHYSICIANS from many
    kingdoms and they all keep saying the same
    thing, that the secret to cure the illness that has
    befallen the queen lies in a special herb that
    grows only in this great kingdom of yours, so
    with great courage we have decided to take the
    risk of coming to this kingdom to solicit for your
    help, irrespective of the fact that we know that
    our kingdoms are not in good terms with each
    other but because we love and cherish our
    queen so much.
    Ikemba: silent for a while then speaks up you
    are lucky, you are all lucky that it’s not my
    brother EMEKA who sits on this throne this day,
    if not he would have had u all slaughtered
    before you cross the border that leads into this
    kingdom, I am merciful, I am kind and am not
    like my brother, and so with every ounce of
    kindness and gentleness in me I would like to ask
    u all to leave this kingdom immediately before I
    change my mind. We have what you want but
    we will not help you, leave at once, go and solicit
    for help elsewhere. He left them and walked
    away immediately.

    Elder: Igwe I said it, I said it that this idea was
    going to have a THWARTED end. But you all
    thought I was blabbing, eh? How can you ask a
    very STUPI… in fact let me hold my comment
    first until we leave this kingdom?
    King: with great feeling of disappointment he
    shook his head

    Elder 2: Igwe, I think the gods is punishing us for
    the sins we have committed…
    King: ICHIE MESHI ONU GI (shut up) stop saying
    nonsense and lets us leave immediately to go
    and carry out our PLAN B, we are not supposed
    to be surprised are we? Common, wise men of
    Umuaku kingdom let us leave at one and go do
    things our own way.
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