
We are hiring.....

That is the most popular ADs on Televisions and Media platforms, but the truth is; nobody is getting employed and unemployment circle keeps getting bigger as the few ones who have a job keeps losing theirs for multiple reasons and no reasons. This is the story on this side of the Globe....

This is had been an elusive phenomenon in both developed nations and developing ones, a social problem that has crippled economies of the world and not just Africa.

Business week reported back in 2011 that over 200 million people around the World are Jobless...

Fast forward to today, this figure is almost double as almost all the developed economies of advanced countries are experiencing recession in the past couple of years.

Africa's crime rate can be attributed to exponential rate at which people loose their jobs and many not getting employed.

Youth unemployment hinders and degrades the role brilliant young people in society and the development of their countries, it also reduces their personal well-being and future opportunities.....IRIN Humanitarian News and Analysis

ILO- International Labor Organisation in Sub- Saharan African had conducted a research stating that

Unemployment rate of youths is close to about 12%, a figure a little lower to the 12.4% of the World unemployed youth.

Africa has the largest "youth bulge" in the world and the number of youth is expected to grow by 42.5 million between 2010 and 2020.....World Bank

The adverse effect of not having source of income and means of likely hood are so many, which is now taking it's tolls on individual affected countries in Africa. Soaring crime rate, underdevelopment, dwindling economy, poverty and often times high suicide rate are the consequences.

The simple major forces behind this are Corruption in Government; Poor education; Zero skills sets, Multi-faceted epileptic power supply which is a great stumbling block to manufacturing companies that hires potential employees. Even though some other tiny factors contributes to this Continental menace like insurgencies, civil unrest etc.can never be ignored.

This is the curious case of African communities and how this had hampered our speedy growth, it's your friend @oluwoleolaide; shedding lights on some important detriments to African's growth!

*Image source: 1- 2

Sources: 1- 2- 3- 4

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