don't start any relatioship till you read this

dear steemit
are you a single christian
are you single and searching?
are you planning on entering a new relationship
if so,
this will be the most important m,essage you will every read and this is why
in the next few minutes i will be breaking down to you all the element you need as a christian to be in a very fulfiled re;lationship, sound good yea i bet
but before i do that let me tell you about me
am a marketing Rebel dont worry i call myself that just to feel good about myself,
that said let get into it,
there are different reasons why people go into relationship, i am not about to tell you all of that no
here we go a rant by the rebel, ok let me tell you...
GENESIS 2:18 ―And the Lord said it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an ―help meet‖ for him.‖
Setting- God’s instruction before sin concerning the marriage relationship
A ―help meet‖? What does the word mean?
Hebrew – ezer-ke – negdo
English –

  1. a help as a counterpart
  2. a help suitable to him/her
  3. a wife / a husband
    Webster’s definition of counterpart:
  4. a person or thing closely resembling another esp. in function.
  5. one of two parts that fit, complete or complement one another
    Question? Can two walk together except they be agreed? Amos 3:3
    Affection may be as clear as crystal and beauteous in its purity, yet it may be shallow because it has not been tested and tried. Make Christ first and last and best in everything. Constantly behold Him, and your love for Him will daily become deeper and stronger as it is submitted to the test of trial. And as your love for Him increases, your love for each other will grow deeper and stronger. "We all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory." 2 Corinthians 3:18.Testimonies vol.7 pg 46
    Biblical requirement for the young man
    Proverbs 20:6 ―. . .but a faithful man who can find.‖
    Biblical requirement for the young lady
    Proverbs 31: 10,31
    Vs.10 ―Who can find a virtuous woman. . .?
    Vs.30 ―Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fear the Lord, shall be praised.‖
    Personal Questions?
    Does he/she respect themselves and others?
    Do they see their lives as a ministry of loving service to others?
    Patience is key – There is great importance in moving patiently accompanied with much prayer for guidance. ―The race is not for the swift‖
    None of us are perfect; however, a love being perfected in a relationship with Christ can produce a wonderful and powerful purpose to join two people together.
    God desires us all to be a blessing to each other. Seeking to add to each other’s lives more peace, joy, love, happiness – character development
    @destinysaid, @adsactly
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