Pray For Kenya!

After August general elections were nullified by the Supreme Court of Kenya (First ever to do so in African History) this country went straight to the dogs.  With a population of  close to 49 million people and around 43 known tribes, views differ quite a lot. Tribalism still controls every election held in Kenya. Largest ethnic groups being: Kikuyu 22%, Luhya 14%, Luo 13%, Kalenjin 12%, Kamba 11%, Kisii 6%, Meru 6% and the fight for the house on the hill (statehouse) is usually bloody and unpredictable. 

Us compared to our two neighbors Tanzania and Uganda.

Though there was a reelection done on 26th October, the turn was low after the main opposition Leader 'advised' his supporters not to vote. He claimed the IEBC (Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission) had system irregularities hence they will not execute free and fair elections. This brought a rift between those who choose to vote and those who chose they won't. Uncertainty hangs over Kenya even today, dragging this country economically behind.

Somehow everything is on stand still. Small businesses getting hit the hardest. Hawkers and small scale businesses owners are staying at home in fear of riots breaking out or their wares being raided. Luckily most schools are closed though class eight candidates are sitting for their KCPE (Kenya Certificate of Primary Education) My eldest daughter is among them. 

Last night, celebrations broke out in my hood. As supporters of the same man who had been our president for the last five years and also the winner in August elections was declared the winner. I wasn't as thrilled because in some other parts of this country, lives are being lost over politicians greed and lack of humanity.

I am hoping dust will settle and things will go back to normal. I don't have another homeland and all I really want is a peaceful country. #PrayingForMyCountry KE

This sad image was captured by Brian Inganga ( 

Just but a random soul wielding an african pen and lens.

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