Ideas for Mobile Steem/SBD and Solar Phone, mobile banking, and Laptop charging stations with MTN/Lumio Battery Kits for villages without power or wifi, complete with built in laptop for new users to instantly signup to steem!

With Steem we can sponsor mobile banking, food selling and phone charging kiosks that also have built in tablets or laptops that people can use to actually signup to steemit (using our links so they get in without delay) and on top of charging people's smartphones and tablets, and selling food and drink directly for steem/SBD these kiosks, we can also sell new smartphones or tablets for steem/SBD. Imagine a new users who starts from $0, sees our kiosk, signs up on the built in tablet, paying for that usage by letting the kiosk employee take a photo with him to make a post, and imagine this person ends up making enough money to buy a smartphone WITH a preloaded MTNSimcard with 1 month of data (Like @mcsamm gives out to new steemians!)

They would be able to fund their new lives completely with their steem account, which they could even make at the kiosk for free!. Maybe we let them use the built in tablet for a few Ghanian cedi's (around 20 cents each) like a sort of mobile internet café. But the Kiosk worker can have their own steemit account which they can fill with stories of their daily grind, showing pictures of all the people who they signup or who buy food from them, and we could even hand out free food to people who signup and let us take photo and make a post about them, post rewards paying for the cost of the food.

I came up with this idea with my team ghana friends while in @mughat 's discord channel, in the voice of africa room I was meeting with my team, now including @steem4depoor @kofpato @brightacq @desmond41 @dannyzill @aquacy @chris-neiro @enockagbo1 and many more I will mention later. @dannyzill even offered to help fix @steem4depoor network problems by walking him through the local telecom companies official reporting system for bad connections, explaining how they cn come and adjust some antennas, refocus some radio beams and hopefully fix the bad connection once and for all! This I great news and @dannyzill sounded very intelligent with his problem solving skills and I recommended he make a post all about this, and focusing on MTN and upgrading their infrastructure will be fun and interesting task for ever steemian, because we will learn things we can use to ensure every developing nation has a chance to get online. Once you get online, everything else falls into place.

Here is a Video of @steem4depoor from his recent post thanking me and @surfyogi for sending him the money he need to buy a laptop AND smartphone, showing that we really are helping Africans get devices, and the funds to afford internet access and electricity!

Here is a picture of his laptop and smartphone that proves how successful steem is for us to help Africans and people in developing nations get a chance to compete in this world and bring BILLIONS of people to the steem blockchain!

But Internet is just 1/3rd of the Holy Trinity, we also need electricity, and devices/computers. Here is the Maslow's hierarchy of needs with wifi and electricity added, and I may even add a third one above wifi which is "Computer/mobile device/smartphone as the final need, and all the rest will follow

Once you have electricity, even from a solar panel and battery that only gives you 1 hour of smartphone usage a day, that is all you need to really START making money if you really had to! THEN with power you can get a Device working, and then you need internet, most likely from mobile data, which can be expensive, luckily @tj4real is selling monthly data a for 1 SBD (Maye change depending on SBD prices) and @mcsamm is buying MTN Mobile Data plans in BULK and issuing free simcards to steemians in Ghana, Africa!
@thejohalfiles brought me to trending page for the first time with my very old post "Operation Upgrade Africa" which got me almost $1000 at the time.
(And johal up voted @xpency @tj4real @mcsamm and @ortigas100 all on the same day, changing our lives forever.!

I helped pay for the internet bill of @tj4real when he couldn't afford it one month when we were new, and I made a post about helping him pay his internet bill, and I ended up making double of triple on the post rewards than what I actually paid AND he paid me back with interest in SBD eventually! So I started doing these sorts of posts investing in HUMAN CAPITAL, always making my money back and a lot of profit too! Now @tj4real has thousands of steempower and has given me so much money back in the form of his upvotes, and he is a serious inspiration for the Ghanian steem community, and if I hadn't taken a risk and sent money to a stranger from Africa, maybe he would have never been able to grow the way he did! By investing in PEOPLE with can create the most effective passive income strategies, because a human being can still do more than a bot can in social media. You can get SO much done when you hire assistants or incentive tasks that you need to get done, by using upvotes!

Here is an Example of an article that shows the rise of non conventional banks in the developing world where most of humanity lives and where most of the natural resources reside in the ground!

And here is an an example of an African startup company that is working with mobile solar battery charging solutions, and they are partnering with the big telecom company in Ghana and other African nations called MTN.


Here is the Video that explains this rechargeable battery startup project, which I believe will be an amazing system to actually help people keep their smartphones charged as long as they can pay them to be! It is a shame when people who have money, run out of electricity even when they are willing to pay to use more, when it runs out or when data is unavailable it is a waste!

Also, I just stumbled upon a GREAT post by an African Steemian @maryfavour whose post came up while google searching for pictures of @mcsamm and his mobile money simcards preloaded he gives out to steemians in Ghana... I really wanted to show pictures of those but instead I found this which is also incredibly relevant to show in this post!

Here is a video in that post explaining this Lumos MTN collaboration project , from the BBC channel description

So here are some more photos to get people used to what I am talking about, and to recognize how in Ghana and many African nations (and other developing nations) these mobile banking kiosks are very popular!

@dannyzill made this for us in @mughat 's discord channel where we meet in the "voices-of-Africa" voice/text chat room and have meetings for promoting steem in Africa, in a way that will make us all rich! Here is the Discord Link:

This Slogan "Your Network is your Net worth is ever so relevant for Ghanian Steemians! @steem4depoor will mention this in his board meeting for the Ghana Steem Blockchain Foundation NGO which already has positions he is filling with board members who are accepting payment in the form of Upvotes! Now that steem is reaching critical Mass in Ghana, people ACCEPT it as REAL money, knowing how many people accept it as cash money, and son people will be LINING UP to buy Steempower! Africans will be using Steempower as their PRIMARY bank accounts! @enockagbo1 and @desmond41 and @black-man are ALREADY working on AUTOMATING their Existing exchange program run by users like @anaman who routinely cash out people for their steem/SBD giving them fiat paper of digital MTN mobile money, here is the latest post about it below from Enock

I really see a HUGE potential to continue the work of @mcsamm and @tj4real and get @dannyzill working to represent MTN in the field and report to them all of the possible upgrades we could make, showing the potential list of steemians in Ghana, which can start to grow to the millions, and imagine how happy MTN would be to know that steem can give them a million new internet customers on their mobile network! Our Network is our NET WORTH!

Here are a few animated GIFs to symbolize with art what we are doing with steem! I am so hapy I commissioned these from @web-gnar

And this one shows @surfyogi me and @sweetsssj holding up Africa as Two Pillars from the east and west with a Block "chain"

Thank's for @web-gnar @elgeko and @axios for my animated awesome signature GIFs at the very bottom! Soon check out @wafrica and @artzone by @surfyogi for Steemit art projects to really bring talented artists here to create and get self funded! We can make a Deviantart AMT and migrate over people's existing art portfolio's from other art based social media, because here on steem they can actually achieve every artists dream and get funding for their own art forever! :D

Oh and one more very relevant @web-gnar and @ackza original collaboration that shows Facebook as dead in a traditional Ghana Coffin Funeral Dance with steemians dancing around it! ( come up with the concepts for these and @web-gnar produces them and adds his own style and elements to the mix as well! )

Thanks for reading, we have much work to do, remember to stop by @mughat 's discord channel to join our Team Ghana meetings and watch out for more Aynn Rand paid essay assignments to earn some steem for learning about rational self interest and objectivism!


If you need a free trial of Ackza's LifeCoach program for CryptoCurrency OR if you would like to request an instant invite link for a friend, family or prospective Steemian to join instantly, email me their email address at or text 619 500 3748 and Please Signup under me at Binance here and....

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