Why are people afraid to change??

This picture was taken at the beach. My husband and I are in the back and our middle one is here in the front

When I was around 20 years I was so afraid of change. Afraid of the unknow. And ayay so scared of what people might say.
I come from a Brazilian family and I was brought up with never say no.
Always respect everybody no matter how they treat you. Be kind and watch out what people say about you cuse your reputation is your everything.
So.....I did this untill I was 25. I divorced my ex-husband. Kicked him out of the house and was taking care of my daughter all alone. Inara was at that time 3 years.
But since day one I toook care of her alone. He didn't want a daughter.
I rememberd that first nght that we were alone in the house....I slept like a baby but wok up in the middle of the night scared!!!
How was I going to do everything? What are people going to say?? And the Brazilian community?!?!

But after a few days that fear went away and that was really the beginning of my life! Being in charge! Nobody was going to controle me anymore.
When I was 29 I moved to a city far from the Brazilian community and my family. I still have good contact with my family in Brazil but not the ones who live here in the Netherlands (another story).

I started reading a lot of books again. Started to meditate and working out. Meeting different people but was also scared cause I didn't want to get hurt again.
Not focussing on the pain, the lonleyness and the dark moments....but reminding myself that there was more in life for me than all the sad moments.

After everything....the nasty divorce, crappy moments. Cried a LOT! But I have a wonderful husband. This man is so sweet, kind and supportive for me.
I have 3 beautiful, healthy, smart daughters. they are everything to me!

Starting 2016 I decided I wanted to change more and followed a program here in the Netherlands called "365 dagen succesvol". It's all about making the best out of every situation and improving yourself. It was ok but it didn't gave me a big bang that I wanted and needed.
June 2016 I participated at the 3 day course of the Millionaire Mind Intensive and that...BAM!!! That's what I needed.
Have met so many wonderfull people. And people untill this day that are very close to me.
Now when I make a mistake....I don't say that anymore. It's I win or either I learn.

I'm a much much much better mom for my girls. I can teach them muchmore. When they grow up they will have a better foundation to start their lives.

My little advice to you....don't be to scared. There is so muchh out there. Don't hold yourself back. Cause the time that you waste it wil never come back.
If something isn't working try a different approach. DO what feels right for you and always trust that gutt feeling!
You only live this live once....so please go and make the best of it!!!
Like Steve Harvey says "Just Jump"

Have a great night!

Now I am really going off to bed :p

Nighty night.

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