Daily News Roundup: April 3rd 2019


In December of 2018, a book was released titled A Lie Too Big To Fail by Lisa Pease. This is the Amazon review:

In A Lie Too Big to Fail, longtime Kennedy researcher (of both JFK and RFK) Lisa Pease lays out, in meticulous detail, how witnesses with evidence of conspiracy were silenced by the Los Angeles Police Department; how evidence was deliberately altered and, in some instances, destroyed; and how the justice system and the media failed to present the truth of the case to the public. Pease reveals how the trial was essentially a sham, and how the prosecution did not dare to follow where the evidence led.

A Lie Too Big to Fail asserts the idea that a government can never investigate itself in a crime of this magnitude. Was the convicted Sirhan Sirhan a willing participant? Or was he a mind-controlled assassin? It has fallen to independent researchers like Pease to lay out the evidence in a clear and concise manner, allowing readers to form their theories about this event. Pease places the history of this event in the context of the era and provides shocking overlaps between other high-profile murders and attempted murders of the time. Lisa Pease goes further than anyone else in proving who likely planned the assassination, who the assassination team members were, and why Kennedy was deemed such a threat that he had to be taken out before he became President of the United States.

Over fifty years later, it would seem that not much has changed as crazed, lone gunmen continue their killing sprees. For every assassination or massacre, an official narrative is quickly promulgated to the somnolent masses and life goes on, at least it does for those who survived the killing spree. The news quickly stales but people are left with the uncomfortable feeling that the world is an unsafe place and that our governments need to be given as much power as necessary to keep us safe.


This news item appeared in Time Magazine titled A Mysterious, Paralysing Illness in Kids Is Worrying U.S. Health Officials: New Report  and here is an excerpt:

More and more experts feel certain the main culprit is an enterovirus called EV-D68, based on the way waves of AFM (acute flaccid myelitis) have coincided with spikes of respiratory illnesses caused by EVD-68. Enteroviruses are a large family of viruses, some of which, such as polio, can damage the central nervous system, while many others cause mild symptoms or none at all. In the U.S., doctors began reporting respiratory illnesses tied to EV-D68 in 1987, though usually no more than a dozen in any given year. Then, in what may have been one of the first signs of the AFM waves to come, a 5-year-old boy in New Hampshire died in 2008 after developing neck tenderness and fever, then weakened arms and deadened legs. The boy had EVD-68, and in a report published in an obscure medical journal, researchers attributed his death to the virus. The first real burst of AFM cases hit in 2014, when 120 were confirmed, with the largest concentrations in California and Colorado. What ensued was an even-year, odd-year pattern: Cases dropped to 22 in 2015, jumped to 149 in 2016, and fell again, to 35 in 2017. Last year they reached 228, a number that may grow because scores of illnesses are still being investigated. In keeping with the cyclical pattern, just four cases have been confirmed this year so far.

Of course, there is no mention made of the increasing onslaught of vaccines on these young bodies and the damage that is inflicted on their immune systems. Instead, researchers will look in all the wrong places and probably try to develop a vaccine to combat it. Such is the madness of modern medicine in its subservience to the pharmaceutical industry. A healthy immune system would be untroubled by this virus but a damaged one is susceptible. Of course I'm not the only one to suggest a vaccine role in these outbreaks. 

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