( AFGHANISTAN ) forget the fear and let's check the beauty of Afghanistan People

' Afghanistan '  

A name that corresponds fear for some if not a few.... 


But to tell you, Afghanistan is a country that has many to be proud of. A country that has imperfections like other countries do yet close to perfection.


Afghanistan is full of hospitality, people are friendly.   "Honor the guest, O son. Even though he ben an infidel, open the door."   and  “nan wa piyaz, qash waz”, meaning “bread and onion be the food, with happy mood.” 

To seat with them and share a meal is showing  friendliness and hospitality.  Hospitality is a strong cultural value.  For  them it is  part of their religious act. Respect and obedience to elderly persons are important values, but independence, individual initiative, and self-confidence also are praised. The most important rite of passage for a boy is circumcision, usually at age seven. Boys learn early the duties of hospitality and caring for guests as well as looking after the livestock or a shop, while girls begin helping their mothers as soon as they can stand. Both are taught the values of honor and shame and must learn when to show pride and when to remain modest.

 When meeting, two men shake hands and then place the right hand on the heart. Direct physical contact is avoided between men and women. If they have not seen each other for a long time, friends and relatives hug, kiss, and speak polite phrases. When someone enters a room, people stand and greet him at length. When they sit down, more greetings are exchanged. It is considered rude to ask a factual question or inquire about anything specific early in the conversation. To express affection, it is customary to complain, sometimes bitterly, about not having received any news.

 9 Things to Love About Afghanistan

 1. It is one of the youngest countries in the world, and children are its pride
A diversity of…everything 3. A hospitality like nowhere else 4. Tremendous patriotism, despite divisions  5.Women gain more visibility  6. Simplicity is king  7. Children going to school   8. Nan, nan and more nan  9. Tasty fruit above ground and fantastic mineral wealth below it.  

And many more.                                          



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