Traffic Five Review

Introduction: Traffic Five review

Welcome to my Traffic Five review. Kevin Fahey has become a master at product launches with a range of products covering software and information products and private label rights products. He has launched 2 7-figure businesses and one 6-figure business. In this new product, The Traffic Five he steps back from products to talk about traffic - he presents 5 traffic strategies that have worked for him.

traffic five review

I bought the product - here is my receipt - and spent an afternoon skimming through the training.

purchase receipt


The 5 traffic methods Kevin Fahey covers are

  1. Free WSO Offers
  2. Solo Ads - the Kevin Fahey way
  3. Traffic Co-ops
  4. Product Launches
  5. 3 in 1 Evergreen Strategies
Rather than tell you what is in each module, I have pulled out four guiding principles he applies (my interpretation).
  1. Approach one is to leverage other affiliates. He does this in two different ways - 1. run you own Free WSO Offer on WarriorPlus and gets some affiliates involved, and 2. do some product launches.
  2. Approach two is to leverage successful marketers. Basically ask them if they will send you leads to an offer and agree to pay them a cost per click - this is a bit like solo ads on steroids because you have a better chance of getting buyer leads rather than cold leads.
  3. Approach three is to share traffic building with other people in a buying co-operative. I am not sure I fully understood how this model works - will put this one to the back burner and try it later on.
  4. Approach 4 is to leverage all your own online assets. This is simple really - use pop ups; use banner ads and add signature file to your email messaging. Simple stuff really but it does bring a trickle of traffic that is warmer than cold traffic.
Here is my review.

What I like is it a mix of text based and video content. The text sections lay out the basic philosophy and the core approaches. There is quite a bit of step-by-step training especially in the Free WSO Offer module. I found that as I use the same page builder (Convertri) and I have bought a few of Kevin's products that I was able to absorb stuff very fast. I just had to think about the concept he was applying as I already knew what buttons he was pressing.

I like text – I read faster than anyone can talk. I can print it out and write all over it. The show and tell videos are really key as Kevin shows what he does as he prepares a new Free WSO from scratch leveraging his existing products. What the videos do is also reinforce what he taught in The Easy Repetitive System which he launched not that long ago - and which is an upsell to Traffic Five.

Maybe the most important part of the training is the discussion about traffic sources that do not work as well as they used to. For example, solo ads was a strong source but now mostly delivers freebie seeker, tyre kickers. His approaches try to get through that to sources of warm leads - people with a buyer mindset. The training is full of small nuggets about how to make traffic work - subtle things like low balling an entry product, a bit like the Free plus Shipping model that Russell Brunson perfected

I did make a Traffic Five review video which shows the modules in the front end, goes through the funnel and highlights my bonuses.

Who Should Buy Traffic Five?

The sales page suggests the training is for beginners who are struggling and all marketers wanting to leave their traffic problems behind.

I am not a beginner and I can tell that this stuff is not really for out and out beginners. Yes, you will be able to put together a Free WSO offer on WarrioPlus at the end of module one. The training will help you find products to promote if you do not have your own products. The hard part is going to be to get some affiliates to promote your Free WSO. That is not a bad thing as it focuses your mind on finding very specific type of lead - other affiliates. You help me and I will help you is a good pitch.

Where the training will help is if you already have something of a track record on making affiliate sales, especially on WarriorPlus, and your Affiliate Score is high enough for them to place the WSO in the Marketplace. That affiliate score is also key to getting other marketers to consider doing a shared promotion with you or a paid promotion. I know a few that might in my case and I know a few that will not. The art is going to focus in on the ones who have you on auto-approve in WarriorPlus or JVZoo - i.e., the people you have bought from and the people you have made sales for. Just ask the question.

Product launches feel like hard work and not right for beginners. This is not necessarily hard. Truth is, there no shortage of PLR that already includes all the tools needed to do a launch - just have a look at any of Kevin Fahey's PLR products - example the Premium PLR Reports series - change the graphics, check the licences (can they be sold on the main affiliate networks) and launch. Maybe it is not that hard.

it seems the real target for the training is internet marketers who have been doing this for a while and are not really getting traction but who are ready to make the step up from what my mentor calls in The Iceberg Effect from Connector to Creator - here is a quick summary of the phases

Phase 1 is The Connector – bring prospects to other people’s offers.
Phase 2 is The Creator where you sell your own products.
Phase 3 is The Commander where you design a business model to run 24/7 whether you are there or not. .

Of course, the most obvious candidate is the person who will implement. Pick one of the strategies and implement. Do not bother if you are going to let this gather dust – buy a couple of pizzas instead. That is all it costs.

How to Use Traffic Five?

You will get the best value out of the Traffic Five if you move into action quickly.

Dedicate half a day to going through one of the modules in the course – read the words and follow along in the videos from one of the modules. I would suggest either Free WSO Offers or Product Launches. If you are short of product go and find some PLR - I have included a bonus membership to SureFireWealth that includes quite a bit of PLR that has Master Resell Rights - i.e., you can sell the PLR rights as your own product. Alternatively grab one of Kevin Fahey's Premium PLR Reports and implement that. Or join the IM Checklist trial and grab one of the 2021 checklists - give one checklist away and convert the checklist into an eBook for sale. The checklist asks questions - do the research to answer the questions, write that up and you have a product.

Traffic Five Funnel

The funnel has a front end product and 3 upsells which provide a complete armoury of training to jumpstart your Internet Marketing and Product creation journey.

Front End

Price: Dimesale from $19.95 – $25.25 at time of writing - and will be an evergreen product after launch

The main product is a mix of text based and video-based training. There are only 5 modules which take you through each of the traffic strategies ending with some simple stuff to add to your sites and emails.


One Time Offers

There are four one time offers – there is a mix of training and a lot of Private label Rights – you can find all the product you need right here.

OTO#1 – Project Restart: ($19.95) What would you do if you had too restart your online business in 6 weeks? This is Project Restart. ​So, for Kevin, out came the drawing board and after 6 weeks of creating content, interviewing top marketers and recording videos, Project Restart was ready for the Online Marketing World to see. The main product includes a complete video training series, 32 page PDF report and 1-hour 40-minute training presentation.

I wrote a review for Project Restart when it was launched – check that here

Upsell to OTO#1: ​Interviews With Top Marketers (at last count there were 21) ($37). The interviews are pure gold. The people he has interviewed are the quiet achievers in online marketing, rather than the high flying gurus. I have watched two of the interview modules with Adam Payne and Steven Alvey. What struck me was the commonality between viewpoints but also the plain practical advice – Adam Payne says pick one thing, be good at it and outsource stuff you are no good at. Now I know Adam personally – he always says that just like a stuck record. That is gold because that is what works – it is not about secret hacks and special tricks or loopholes. It is plain simple stuff – find what interests a customer and what problems they have and offer solutions.

OTO#2 - The Easy Repetitive System ($27.46). Easy Repetitive System is a mix of text based and video-based training covering product creation. The heart of the training is about to use materials for multiple purposes and products - bundling, combining, layering. There are only 10 modules which take you through niche research to funnel design to traffic and evergreen marketing.

I wrote a review for Easy Repetitive System when it was launched – check that here

The next 2 OTO’s reach into Kevin Fahey’s training vaults.

OTO#3 – IM VIP Training + IM Coaching Blowout: ($167) Over 6 years of high ticket coaching training covering product creation, Facebook Advertising, Becoming A Coach/Consultant and access to all Kevin’s information marketing training products, plus live monthly webinar training

This is the upsell that really bridges the gap between what beginners know and what is presented in Traffic Five and Project Restart and Easy Repetitive System. Every newbie needs some step by step training – this is a great price point for just that.

Downsell to OTO#2: The Essential 8 Package: ($47). If the IM VIP training feels a bit steep or you feel you cannot absorb that amount of material, the Essential 8 might just be the ticket. 8 of Kevin’s most recent and best training programs from the IM VIP Training Series. These are mostly 2021 Releases

OTO#4 IM Checklist Trial – $3 / $17.95 month.
Kevin Fahey has built a whole industry around IM checklists. This upsell is a classic example of how Kevin scales his business model with a recurring revenue product. The best part of the $3 trial is one gets access to all the 2021 checklists that have already been released plus the new ones that come out each month (2 per month). This is the list of 2021 modules thus far. 37. Consulting; 38. Securing your Content; 39. Split Testing & Optimization; 40. List Engagement; 41. KDP & POD Consulting; 42. Digital Agency Setup; 43. Tripwire Offers; 44. Bing Ads; 45. Improving Email Delivery; 46. Google My Business'; 47. Cybersecurity (coming soon)

They are PLR checklists too which means you can use them as bonuses for paid products and they can be sold (but not on JVZoo and WarriorPlus)

Bonuses: Traffic Five Review

The key to buying a product like Traffic Five is to start and to do stuff. I hesitate to add bonuses to product launches like this because they get in the way of doing stuff. Bonus shopping makes sense only if it is not at the expense of actually using the product you have bought. That said I have looked for bonuses that will help the most with your traffic generation and email marketing journey.

My first bonus is some training on traffic generation. This complements the Traffic Five training as it puts in some of the building blocks you may have missed.

Email marketing is a cornerstone for any online business. 3 bonuses that take you from the top down through strategy for list building and approach to what you write in your emails and how you get people to open emails and lastly a source for PLR to offer as lead magnets and/or as products to sell in your Traffic Five.

Here is a summary – check the bonus link below for more information.

Bonus #1 - Silver Membership of Traffic Generation Club (Value $27)
Bonus #2 - List Building Expert (Value $27)
Bonus #3 - Email Marketing Power (Value $37)
Bonus #4 - 4 Killer Email Checklists (Value $68)
Bonus #5 - SureFireWealth Silver Membership (Value $147)

Summary and Conclusion

I really liked the training as it went step-by-step through the elements that you need to put in place. I am not convinced that it will work for pure beginners but it will work for people who have been doing internet marketing for a while and are not really getting traction. And the traffic strategies do not rely on advertising channels - I find those pretty hard to work with.

The Project Restart upsell is a good addition if you are a relative newcomer to the arena as it gives the basic building blocks for you to follow – though it also has a product creation bias. Not everyone starts with selling their own products.

The Easy Repetitive System upsell is a good addition if you have some products working already. It is also a good framework to follow if you follow the Traffic Five training on Free WSO Offers or Product Launches. It will ingrain in your head how to set things up for multiple uses and combinations.

As for the other upsells have a look at IM VIP Training if you think you need a bit more of a beginner foundation.

The IM Checklist products are good products. I did buy access to the 2020 modules a little while back and I am a member. If the 2021 modules fit with where your gaps are have a good look. This is the list – these may not help directly with traffic generation but there is plenty to help list building and split testing which are key parts of traffic.

V37 Consulting, V38. Securing Your Content, Vol 39. Split Testing & Optimization, Vol 40. List Engagement , Vol. 41 KDP & POD Consulting, V42. Digital Agency Startup, V43. Tripwire Offers; 44. Bing Ads; 45. Improving Email Delivery; 46. Google My Business'; 47. Cybersecurity (coming soon)

The no brainer things to do is start the trial – grab the 2021 releases and deploy them as products of your own – note you may not sell them on JvZoo or WarriorPlus – so you will need your own selling platform or go to Paykickstart or Clickbank. Then decide based on the upcoming releases if you want to keep subscribed – V47 is Cybersecurity.

Hit the button below to go directly to Traffic Five – your bonuses will be delivered automatically from WarriorPlus checkout.

traffic five review

Resources and Links
Traffic Five Review the sales page directly here – bonuses will be delivered directly with your order.

My Traffic Five Bonuses: Review my bonus offer valued at $306 which focuses on tools needed to build traffic success here

The Iceberg Effect: Get your free book here all about The Untold Secret to Affiliate Marketing Success – just pay shipping

IM Checklists: Explore Kevin Fahey’s IM Checklists here. Price is $3 which includes all the 2021 checklists and then $17.95 a month – grab the ones you need and cancel if you have to. I wrote a review of one of Kevin Fahey’s IM Checklist products here


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