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Fastest Way To Make Money With Clickbank - Even As A Beginner

  • Hey, this is Russell Brunson and Jim and I made a really cool article for anyone who's trying to figure out how to get started online. How to be an affiliate and in this article we showed you how to use funnels and ClickBank to make a ton of money. A ton of affiliate commissions, creating a very simple opt-in funnels, that, basically, will help you sell products as an affiliate through ClickBank.

And if you've ever used ClickBank before, they're super simple and easy to use that, basically, set up a funnel, drive some traffic, make some sales, and they send you checks in the mail. Or they can wire you money in your bank, as well. But it's really awesome. Super simple process. Check out this article and you'll see exactly how to do it for your business, as well. - Yeah, well, let's explain what we're gonna do today, okay? - All right, give us the link. - So everybody kind of knows and basically what we're gonna do is, this is a cool idea 'cause a lot of people are like, "Well, I don't have a product yet.

"I don't know." So what we said is, you know, if you don't have a product, one of the ways to test a market, certainly, is to sell someone else's product as an affiliate so you can start building your tribe. And seeing whether or not you can resonate with the people, sell, make affiliate connections, then, eventually, come out with your own product. Right? - Boom. That is- - So, what's the biggest marketplace of affiliate offers that, basically, anybody can sell? ClickBank. - Do we have an offer we're doing it for? - Well, I thought we'd pick one. - Okay. Gotta be careful. - Well, I mean, I found one that's actually the three week diet. What I was hoping we could do, also, is just talk about, Russell, 'cause I know you used to do, I used to do a ton of bridge pages. I know you did bridge pages and stuff. So just talk about, maybe, with the whiteboard what a bridge, or you and Julie. Actually, let's have Julie tell us on the whiteboard what a bridge page should be and do. - Okay, so a bridge page pages is, basically, so when you are selling an affiliate product, the way that it works is that you have to become the bridge between the customer and the person who's selling the product.

So, a bridge page acts, as like, your salesman. Like, if you can't actually be there in person, to be like, "Hey, I tried this great product. "It's amazing." Like, "Let me tell you abut my story." Like let's say you're selling, I don't know, whatever, skin cream. And you had eczema. You would normally, in real life, tell them the story about how you had eczema and how hard it was. And nothing worked, and then, eventually, you found a product that worked. And you would tell them this story, what would happen? They'd be like, "Oh, well let me try it." Or, "Oh, my mom needs it." So, online, you need to create that exact same environment, digitally. And so, the bridge page acts as your way of telling your story, giving context, creating a hook for why this product matters.

So that by the time they get through the bridge page, they're totally sold and they're ready to go buy. - So, listening to what Julie was saying, one of the best ways to create a bridge page, is around a testimonial or case study. So, that's one of the best ways. So if you think about the structure of a bridge page, what does, what's it gonna need to have? It's gotta have a headline hook. It should have a video. - All right, we'll steal- So this is the ClickBank product.

  • Right. - What do we call this one? This is the three diet, three, - Three week diet. - Diet. This is the bridge page that Julie so perfectly explained. What I, what she was saying that I completely agree, is, typically I'll do is have, like, an opt-in page first. It's got like this really big curiosity based headline. CBH, curiosity based headline. Corey Barton Homes, that's the big home builder in Boise. They opt-in. Then they're taken to this. Give a good headline here. Maybe a little Brunson Box, or something, down here. With a link. Then push people to here. The only thing I'd add, so Julie did a good job, this is like the self person. Builds the context for why you care about this and gets you excited. Other thing that I like using this page, right here, for is to up the offer. So, like, if you're an affiliate, there's like 500 other people all promoting the same three week diet. And so, it's like, why would they buy from me versus everybody else. What I would do, is like, 'kay. On the next page, the three week diet, and you can go directly buy if you want, but if you want, if you buy through my link down below, I'm going to give you something really special.

What I'm going to do for you, is first thing I'm going to do, is I'm going to give you one of these amazing Superman USB drives. - What? - With diet recipes on it. And so we'll send you this, plus I'm going to send you some toothpicks because all the diet food is green and it gets stuck inside your teeth. And this way you can get it out of your teeth. Plus, I'm going to give you a bobble head Russell doll.

You can pick from either the, this one, or the Batman one. And you can make it- - What? - Better. And that's the big. - But if you buy right now, you can get the Jim Edwards bobble head, too. Three bobble heads for the price of one. - I bet a lot of people are asking, like, how do you actually, technically, pull that off.

What you do is you just tell them to send you the receipt, once you're done. - Yeah. - And then that's how you deliver the product. - Yeah, so like, Step one, buy these things. Step two, send me your receipt. And step three, I send you the gift. This is the secret. This is the difference between, oh (mumbles), you can make a little money or a lot. The other thing's cool is you get their email address, then you can send them an email here. And then you can send them another email here, and another one, and another one, and you can, like, have- - Market to them. - You take away this thing, and then what happens is say they buy the three week diet, then you could be like, "Oh, what are the things that people "who are on diets like to buy?" And they're like, "Oh, well, I like to buy," - Food. Ice cream. - Keto drink that's in my Hulk cup, right? And you're like, I'm enjoying an MLM called Pruvit over here.

So you join Pruvit MLM and then these people over here, who you know through the diet, and then you're like, "Hey, by the way you can do the diet, "but how would you like to be in Ketones at the same time?" And then, boom, start selling this. And then all of a sudden, you're the number one affiliate inside of Pruvit, and then you're like, "Oh, well what about Organify? "I like green drinks." You become an Organify affiliate. And then, you tell the people, "Being in Ketone's good, "but drinking green's even better." And then, you get, and you just keep taking these people on a customer journey, to serve them at higher and higher levels. And that is how you play this game. Yeah. - Dude, I want everybody to realize what you just got shown. This right here, what you just got shown, and explained to you somebody else would have charged you $2000 and taken three days to explain. All right? They would have called it Affiliate Marketing Lalapalooza. And you're, I mean, it just, Russell just laid out for you how to create a real business with Click Funnels and Funnel Scripts of course.

Without even having to have a website. Without having to have, you can instantly have a million dollar business, set up, your results may vary. With no product of your own. Think about that. - Can I share one more thing I think is key? - It's okay, as long as you're quick. - 'Kay, this is quick. We don't have the next meeting place, we're good for a few extra minutes. We're good. - Okay. - All right, this is what people miss, you come over here, you go over here and you give Mark Zuckerberg a dollar, or two, right? And then it drives people in to here. And if you locked in, then scoot by here, and the problem with traditional affiliate marketing is that a lot of times you spend one dollar right here, and after everyone come through and see this right here, you drop out and you made like, 75 cents, right? These are quarters. You make 75 cents, right? Oh, this inter-marketing's a scam.

I put in a dollar and got 75 cents back out, I'm broke, ah. What happened is you have to understand, the value in any business is the customer, right? So the customer comes here, gives you the email address, this is now a customer. And this customer starts going on this journey with you. So he's going along and maybe he buys. Maybe he's like, "Sweet, three diets, awesome." And he's like, "I already bought three diet last week." Or maybe he's like, "Well, I don't believe in it." Or whatever the thing is, right? But he's still, he's on your list, going down this journey, until he gets this email and he's like, "I'm not buying.

"I'm not buying." "I'm not buying." He comes over here and then, like, Pruvit. He's like, "Ah, I'm not into network marketing. "I don't want that." Then he's like, "Organify," he's like, "Oh, my gosh. "Did you see Drew's six pack? "I want a six pack just like Drew Canole's got." I mean, he goes, and he buys the stuff here, right? And the next customer comes through and he's like, boom, all three diets. And he gives you money here and that person comes.

And so everyone kind of gives you money from points. What happens is that somewhere between here and the end of your customer journey, which if you treat people right, will be forever. There's this magic spot that's called the break even point. Break even point. Where you spend a dollar here, but you'll keep respending dollars on these people here. They're already on your list, right? And so, maybe you'll only make 75 cents by day one, and then 80 cents by day three. And by day five in your sequence you break even.

And what's cool is, everything after day five, is pure unadulterated profit. - Free money. - All right, so. - We're going- - Let's go, I think Julie can do squeeze page and bridge page in 20 minutes. - Okay. - You're giving me the copy, right Jim? - For a dollar. (Russell and Julie laugh) - And we're sending them to this page. This is the actual order page, right? - Post, yep, post bridge page. - Yeah. - Okay, so the first, while you're setting that up. The first thing I'm going to need to do is create, actually, I'm going to need to create a headline. - Okay. - So I think what I'm gonna be doing, so I'm showing my screen and I'm just going to be quiet a little bit while you're working on that.

'Cause usually Russell talks while I'm doing my magic, over here. So I'm going to let you do the same thing. So I'm actually going to use the Killer Headlines Scripts version 2.1. - All right, so I have actually only 18 minutes to build this, so you want me to start talking? (all laugh) You guys. - Tell them what you do then. - No fair. All right, so I'm going to create the squeeze page first. This is going to have the curiosity inducing headline that Russell talked about. And then, we're going to get their email address, and then we're going to send them over to the bridge page.

So, I'm just going to look here, at what the style is. I mean, really when it comes to squeeze pages, you guys, you don't really have to do anything other than what's already in Click Funnels. If you're really fussy and you want to change the background, I can get rid of the background here and I can make it a prettier color, or an uglier color, depending on how I am. I can change the fonts, but really, like, this is all you have to do. Now the one thing I will say, is that you just want to make sure that you're connecting this to your email service provider or Actionetics, or whatever you're using here, so you can just go ahead and do that in settings.

And integrations, and just select where you want to go. So that's it. You have a headline, Jim? - Actually, I don't have one headline for you, Julie, I have over 125 headlines. And I'm just trying to you know, sort through them a little bit. - So, all right, so Jake just sent me a cool background banner. So let me put that background on so I can show you how to do that real fast. - How to Melt Body Fat in As Little As 21 Days, Even if You've Tried Every Other Diet in the World Before, and Failed.

  • One of the things I want to tell you guys, here, is if you've got a headline like this, it helps if you take it and you make them two different sizes. You create the main headline, and then you create the sub headline. And you make it like that. But I'm going to actually move this background because it's going right over her face. There we go. So I just changed the setting on that background picture and now what I'm going to do is make this headline really big.

Well, not that big. Make it on two lines and then pick your font. Doesn't really matter, just something really bold, really obvious. And then, make your tag line. Jim, I think that works, as a tag line, right? - Even if you tried ever other diet in the world before and failed, yeah, absolutely. - All right, what about a call to action on the button? - Well, you know, it's funny. I'm just going through the call to action script here - Well look at that. - at Funnel Scripts. And I'm just one or two little variables away from coming up with some. - Right. - And, uh. - I'm going to underline that. So that people understand. And then, we'll do a call to action and we'll save this. Okay. There you go. That's a squeeze page. I mean, that's like, literally, all you have to do. I'm gonna probably bold that. Okay. - Look at you. Look at you. - Whoo. All right, I'm just going to clone this funnel step so I can save my work and just keep the branding the same.

And I'm adding it to the funnel, so now I have a second page, here. And so now, this is going to be my bridge page. Okay, so we're going to do a video. And, are we going to use the same, we're going to use the same headline, right? - You know, I think we should use a different headline. - Okay. - What do you think, Russell? Should it be a different headline? - We do have 150 of 'em, so we might as well test - I mean, I was thinking more like Top Weight-loss Expert Reveals How to Melt Body Fat in the Next 21 Days. - Yeah, go ahead, paste that for me. That's awesome. - Well, no, top, I want you to spell it out now.

Top Weight-loss Expert Reveals How to Melt Body Fat in the Next 21 Days. What I'm thinking is that, probably, this is going to be a testimonial. - New - So a sub headline would be something like, along the lines of, here's my story. Here's one person's, or something, here's one person's weight-loss story. - I like that. All right, so, Russell's talking about the Brunson Box. This is a Brunson Box. It's a spoiler box. It, basically, kind of, teases what's in the video because some people don't like to watch a whole video. Or they're like, "Ah, I don't know if it's worth my time." And so when they see these, like, little teaser things about what's covered in the video, then they are more likely to stick through and watch the video. Let's create a simple, step one, step two.

So, what I like to do, is grab a headline, like this. Jim, what do you want to put under the step one and step two, and step three? What kind of copy do you want there? - Step one is, basically, go buy, go claim your copy of three week diet. Step two is, send me your receipt. And step three, I'll send you all these cool bonuses. What I would have under step one, would be a big fat button that took them through your affiliate link to the three week diet page. But make sure it pops in a new window so that they don't leave this page. - And then we'll add a button. Claim your three week diet now. Okay. - Here. - Here. All right, then what your going to do, guys, is you're going to duplicate this whole thing. So you don't have to do all that work.

Step two is, email us your receipt, right? - Mm-hmm. - And then step three is going to be something simple, like we'll send you, - Send you. - We'll send you all your cool bonuses including and then you would list them all off. Well, and let's talk, real quick, about what you would do to make that video and then we'll give you amazing kudos and stuff. But what I, personally, would do, is I would use the Million Dollar Testimonials Script inside of Funnel Scripts. And you can, basically, use that to interview yourself or you can have somebody interview you. Basically, you want to tell your story about the results that you've got. And then, I would end the video by telling them all the stuff that you would give them as a bonus, in order for them to buy it. Because you believe in it so much, you want to make sure that everybody takes advantage of it. So you want to sweeten the pot.

That kind of way. I mean, that would be a way that you could create an amazing video that would have a real impact on people. I want you guys to really think about something there, now. Okay? Using these tools, using what she knows how to do at a basic level, under pressure. And they always say that you always revert, whenever you're under pressure, you're going to revert to your training. Knowing how to use Click Funnels. Knowing how to use Funnel Scripts and having to get something done, the stress that she was under is no different than you're working a full time job. You're trying to figure out how to create some income. It's in the morning and you're trying to get something done to feel like you're moving forward.

That same level of stress. Is exactly what she was experiencing right there. And we use the tools to create something, actually, it looks pretty darn good. - Good. - In that 20 minutes. And I think that is amazing and Julie deserves a big round of applause. - Whoo! (Jim and Russell Clapping) I think it's funny, though, because people always I talk to people all the time who are like, "I've been in Click Funnels now for a couple of months, "hoping to get something done soon." I'm like, "A couple months?" Like, "What are you doing?" - Yeah, that is the number one thing that stops people, is the fear of failure and perfectionism.

The only way to get out of that and get over it, is to go right through it. - And think about what we did, though, as far as before we got into using Click Funnels or using Funnel Scripts, we drew out on a piece of paper in effect, or on the whiteboard, what we needed to get done. So it wasn't a situation of, "Hey, let me get in here "and I'll figure it out." It's like, I drew out exactly what I need.

And that's all there was. That was it. You're done. You have that video done, you could start promoting this thing. - So, awesome. All right, well we're going to wrap it for today. Thanks everybody. Thanks Jim, thanks Julie. Thanks everyone who's back here filming, as well. We got Nick and Corbin and David. - Hi, guys. - Melanie was fighting the spider. Jake for doing the images and finding this thing. We appreciate everybody. Love you all and we'll see you at Funnel Hacking Live. Bye, everybody. .

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