Diary of an Aerial Teacher

I have been an aerial yoga teacher for almost 10 years now. When I first started, social media platforms like Instagram were not very popular in Taiwan yet. Most of my students were women seeking a fun way to stay active without going to the gym and getting "buff." It has always been incredibly rewarding to watch them improve and get stronger, helping them take photos to track their progress and the new poses they’ve learned.

As time went on, Facebook became another platform for students to share their progress and track the likes and praises they received. Gradually, the focus of attending classes shifted from personal progress to creating content for social media.

With the rise of more social media apps, I noticed a change in my students’ priorities. They started caring less about building a strong foundation. Instead of working on their core or strength, their main concern was whether the choreography was different from the last class. Many students began to feel stagnant in their aerial journey. However, they often overlooked the importance of arriving on time for warm-ups, core training, and stretches. It wasn't the choreography or the poses holding them back—it was their approach.

Aerial arts are a fantastic way to exercise and help people realize their potential. Many women find empowerment through their aerial journey, discovering a sense of accomplishment that extends beyond being a mom, housewife, or office worker. It opens up new pathways and experiences, enriching their lives.

This duality is why I love my job so much. On one hand, I witness students blossoming and achieving new heights. On the other hand, there's a growing trend of students focusing primarily on their social media presence. As society continues to intertwine with AI and technology, this trend will likely become more prominent.

Through this post, I hope to shed light on this issue and encourage everyone—not just aerial yoga students—to avoid being controlled by social media. Enjoy the present moment. Take it all in through your senses, not just through the lens of your phone's camera.

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