Humanly behaviours to virtual reality to robotic world.

I was born in late 90s to be pressie 25/8/97 so you can call me a 90s kid. So let's first start with my generations. Let's talk in detail how we grew up, how we used to enjoy in our childhood, what were the activities that we used to do to have fun as you know we don't had smartphone or android phone back then which is the main source of entertainment for today's kids. So how we used to enjoy,what was our source of entertainment of having fun and many more thing i will tell you in this blog. The simple answer is the game you are playing on your mobile, psp or computer we used to play in our real life it may be football, cricket, hockey, basketball and many more sports that i used to play in my childhood this was our source of entertainment. As facebook and Instagram was not a major topic of discussion back then, we used to talk about what happen in our school, go to each other home if any problem arrived in our study and solved the problem by helping each other, because WhatsApp doesn't exist that time. In summer vacation i and all our friends go to vacation at different places and after coming from vacation we used to talk about the experiences we had during the vacation and enjoy with each other discussing them. We used to fight with each other while playing sports but again become friends because they were no ego problem. I feel back then they were more humanly touch because people were connected to each other in real life and know about each other in an out.IMG_20180702_203554.jpg In today's world people more know about each other and what is going in there life through virtual reality and we feel he/she would be very happy because he/she look happy in the post he posted, but the reality what's happening in their real life could be very different. This difference has arrived due of excess use of social media, the said part is people don't want to know the actual reality and assume he/she is doing great in their life because his social media profile look great. Kids have nothing to talk about if they mobile is taken away apart of social media their is no major decision in their life. They go to vacation and upload photos to make other kids sad in the process they also not enjoy the vacation because they are busy uploading pictures instead of enjoying the vacation. This competetion continues of taking each other down in this process full generations is getting affected doing all this baseless thing this is not good for a present generations and if this continues it would be worst in future. I have seen many parents giving phone to their kids only to avoid nagging and keep busy their kids in the phone so that they don't get disturb, i feel very bad seeing this but this is the truth of a present generations. Kids of 8th and 9th standard are suciding because of depression and peer pressure. You would have not seen kids getting so depressed in 80s and 90s or even before and the cases of suicide was also very less. This mainly happen because of two reasons one is peer pressure of study and second and main reason is social media, this both lead to depression and then suicide. IMG_20180703_000254.jpg what will happen if this pattern continues were we are losing human touch and entered virtual reality i think robotic behaviour is the future were kids will be not able to interact and haveing conversations with each other will be very difficult and this will be the time were we need help of robot for doing very normal to avoid all that we should be more social in real life. make more friends in real world instead of virtual world.IMG_20180703_004412.jpg Be happy from inside and not to show to the world through social media. So what are your advice you would give to today kids and what are your opinion on social media. Please give your valuable feedback to present generations.

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