"I came across frightening entities who wanted to kill me" - The nature of nightmares and what you can do to remain safe and sound!

Nightmares are dream events in which we feel threatened and scared for our own lives or the life of our loved ones. There are two main types of dreams that may entice nightmares:

  • Dreams in which we process inner parts of our personality. Here, troubling aspects within us surface to show us in vivid colors things about us that we don't like, fear of or detest. The dream scenarios that we create may intimidate us as they involve thought-forms that our mind creates to emphasize the experience. Such dreams take place in the near earth realms and usually it's quite easy to stop them and move on or to awake.
  • Actual journies into other dimensions. In this type of dreams, we encounter strange forms of consciousness, from different systems. Our ego, who is not familiar with such worlds may be scared for its survival and therefore may evoke a fear to make us wake ourselves up. Remember, you are visitors in those worlds and should act accordingly. Meaning, don't mess around with the creatures there. Watch them, wander, but don't engage in activities with them. (The movie Inception is a good example of this type of dreams).


credit: pexels

When doing active dreaming use the following tool to keep yourself safe –
Know that you are sovereign. There is no entity in the whole universe and the dimensions that has control over you or can affect your consciousness without your consent. Therefore, when in the midst of a nightmare, repeat the following mantra, and the frightening situation will change immediately – "I Am That I Am".

Here is an example of a nightmare of the second type and my comments about it.


First I have a general question: In recent days I have had a series of weird dreams and I noticed that such dreams appear when I sleep with my head to the north. When I change sides (head to the south) I hardly dream. Is there any explanation for this?

Now, for the content of the main dream itself:

The feeling was similar to the "Big Brother" style (Orwell's, not the TV show). I dreamed I was on some street, and suddenly it became pitch black and some voice told everyone to go inside before the lockdown. I rushed into a store, many other people were there, it was dark, a giant screen showed a religious movie. I remember that there was a beautiful building (in the film) with eye-shaped glasses, and then something happened and the building peeled off and took on a mean look.

Two children came in with a huge tray of sweets and put it on me. We were told to taste the candies but I suspected it was some kind of an exercise and did not touch the sweets. Then one of the children took out a board, marked it with numbers, chalked my name in one of the first places and told me to come with him. We went to the house, where he gave me a newspaper that had strange questions with three possible answers. One of them was "who is allowed to kill people, God or man?? Then I had a discussion about the implications of technology on our state of mind and how we are addicted to that. In the end, I entered an elevator with many sporadic numbers, I pushed a button with the number 15, the elevator climbed and I got outside on a darkened roof.

This dream is one of the most delusional I have ever had. What do the elements say there? And what do the numbers mean? I am a 25 years old woman.


First, you're right. Changing the direction of your body to the north, while sleeping, affects the nature of dreaming. I became aware of this fact a few years ago and changed the location of the bed in my bedroom. It's great that you noticed that.

credit: Pandora - the world of Avatar, wdwmagic.com

Secondly, the nature of that dream is more experiential and less symbolic.
This is a journey you have made to another dimension, a different reality, where you met with foreign populations. Since this is not a symbolic dream there is no point in interpreting the objects/events. The important question for you is why you chose to visit that reality, how you got there and what might it teach you about the expansion of your consciousness. These are questions that of course, I can not answer without knowing the circumstances of your life. At the same time, this is an investigation you can do by yourself.

My suggestions -

  • Write down your dreams in great detail. Especially pay attention to the feelings they evoke.
  • Pay attention to where you are - do you return to the same world every night? Every two nights? Never?
  • Try to see if there is an element that repeats itself in each dream and accompanies you? Is it a form of energy (for example, a ball of light in a certain color)? Very often when we travel to other dimensions we are accompanied by explorers, assistants, that help us to navigate there.
  • What is your level of awareness in the dream? Are you aware that you are dreaming? Or do you only understand this when you wake up?

I remember that at some point I was aware that I was dreaming. I remember that towards the end of the dream I told myself that I had to wake up and it was a dream. The most remembered feeling of the dream was of danger and fear, I kept on trying to pay attention to the environment and people around me, not to fall prey to entities that might want to kill me.

The repeating elements in my dreams are elements of supernatural things - for example, two nights ago I dreamed that I had a device that enables people to time travel, and a few nights ago I dreamed that I had the power to freeze time. And every time I wake up, it makes me laugh at first, and then it bothers me that it repeats itself time and again only in different ways.

It bothers you because you're in a new unfamiliar environment. Try to give yourself suggestions before you fall asleep that you are safe and protected. Your mind has mechanisms to keep itself safe so as long as you allow the dreaming process to occur naturally (without artificial substances to alter awareness like drugs or alcohol) there is no foundation for your fear. That does not mean we should ignore it, of course.

The supernatural elements in your dreams indicate that you are in another world, in a different reality. Explore it. Whatever you discover will teach you a lot on your spiritual path.


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