Saturday night banned advert time again

I have been busy over the last few weeks and if it hasn't been one thing it has been something else .My power problem is sorted now and I have a generator for whenever the plug gets pulled.I managed to spend a few hours today compiling the adverts for tonight and I hope you will enjoy them as much as I did finding them.

I am not a big Super bowl fan,but had no idea that they snuck in adverts for a one viewing special as they were obviously banned afterwards.Obviously it is worth there while as they have a huge audience and even for one viewing it would be a talking point for weeks afterwards.

Soda stream of all adverts getting banned. I wouldn't have thought it was possible, but listen to what she says. Very clever dropping their competitors and not something that is normally done and most likely the reason for the banning.

Another Super bowl advert and now it makes sense when people actually look forward to the adverts. No one knows what to expect and the more shocking the better maybe. I wouldn't take a toilet break or get snacks as I would prefer these to the game itself.I couldn't believe what I was watching and this one has some shock factors.

This is a condom advert that was banned in Kenya.I don't know why they banned it as Kenya needs condom adverts to help curtail the AIDS virus which is rife. Maybe the guy was bragging saying something or the condom company saying they do extra large I am not sure. Still advertising condoms in a region that should be using them is still getting a message across.

The last one is from France with a cheeky brat who only knows yes or oui from his mom.His mom allows him to do everything and it can all be blamed on a condom.

Have a good weekend and relax.

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