Online Advertising; what is it? Why use it?

Hi my fellow Steemians,

Since my start on the Steemit platform I have not posted anything related to the field I work in. So from now on I will be writing (more) about my field of uh uhmm “expertise”.

In my everyday life I am an online advertiser / social media marketeer. I have been managing social media accounts for companies for about 5 years and managing online advertisements for 2 years now. It is an ever-changing industry in which you keep gaining new knowledge and face challanges. But I love my work, I love what I do 😊.

Image source: Mockup psd created by -

Today I will talk about Online Advertising.

What is online advertising?

Online advertising is promoting products and services on the internet. Examples of online advertising are search engine ads, pay per click(ppc) ads, social media ads ( Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, Pintrest), ads via blogs, banners & email marketing. With online advertising you can generate, leads, sales and/or traffic to your website.

Nowadays you can connect to the internet basically from anywhere ( well unless if you live in a country like mines, Suriname, where we still struggle daily for a good strong internet connection, but hey we manage). So actually companies/organizations can easily connect at any moment of the day with potential clients. These potential clients make use of one or multiple devices such as mobile phones, computers, laptops, tablets and smartwatches on a daily basis. This means you can reach them easily by making sure that you are visible online.

You could see online advertising as being at the right place at the right time. When people are searching for a specific product or service, you can be found in the search results with the help of online advertising. Or maybe your products and services need more brand awareness exposure, online advertising can help reach your target group fast and for way less money than traditional advertising.

Image source:

Why use online advertising?

As I just mentioned here above, online advertising is way cheaper than traditional advertising. Other good reasons why to advertise online are:

  • Online results are measurable.
  • Your reach is bigger.
  • You can customize your targeting based on interest, behaviour, demographic, geographic and so on.
  • More and more purchases are being done online by consumers. Especially due to the fact that website and apps are getting more and more user-friendly causing consumers to be more familiar and trustworthy of online shopping.

Hope you liked my post. If you have questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment.

Until next time.

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