Day 6 of 31 for #ADVENTUBE // Q: where is your happy place in life? building a decentralized global node network! :)

welcome to day six, the 6th day of december as we march on through the thirty one days of december, i'm kinda expecting people to fall off nearer the end of the month so we will need to pick a few things up in the next few weeks, more questions, more people to find and add, i might even ask a few videobloggers to come in straight from youtube who don't have a steem blockchain account yet.

the question today was. ..

where is your happy place in life!

the people that took part today

@chireerocks, @travelling-two, @shawnsporter, @johnspalding, @navaneeth, @itsliam, @dayleeo, @teamhumble

@itsliam bought up a good comment the other day about scaling up and the 'intimacy' of bigger groups. i think that's a valuable question in terms of what makes us 'comfy' when we are in groups. of course, your mental state and health and safety of interacting with a community are a concern when you have lots of people, lots of voices and opinions it can get overwhelming and intense -- so please, only take part in what you can, don't force it, i want you to feel comfortable. In 2019 i hope that you'll be able to make your own groups, your own communities, become the figure head of your own little communities and this is just a tool to enable that.

for me, this month is a proof of concept that 'centralized' backend can cope with it, my idea is to utilize in the short term centralized platforms where we might already have accounts -- youtube, dropbox, cloud storage in general and support those platforms that you already have and pay for, why re-invent the wheel right? for me, frame was the perfect choice from the 'video editor' perspective and to speed up engagement and output, so far, it's working out.


day1 · who are you today ✔️
day2 · value, what is that to you ✔️
day3 · what’s your biggest achievement to date ✔️
day4 · you have a power for 48hrs, what is it and what do you do with it ✔️
day5 · Do you feel safe in the world you live in? ✔️
day6 · Where is your happy place? <--- this post
day7 · It's the Season of Giving, give me a piece of advice!
day8 · what's your favorite dapp(s) on the steem blockchain?
day9 · what little things in life frustrate you
day10 · 100 strong video makers globally, what message do we share?
day11 · invited to an island, what 3 things do you take!
day12 · 1 month to learn a new skill, what do you learn, how you use
day13 · describe a perfect day in your life
day14 · climate change action - what you go and help today
day15 · saturday, describe your ideal weekend thing to do, no limits
day16 · accountability, what tasks do you have to get done soon/new year?
-- steem blockchain week
day17 · unlimited budget, how do you advertise steem in 2019
day18 · what parts of steem do you think we need more attention on
day19 · what job/task do the witnesses do, would you consider doing it?
day20 · describe decentralized over centralized to the average person?
day21 · what's missing dApp that you would pay for?
-- steem blockchain week

getting excited for the weekend and the upgrade, it's only $29 for the upgrade to 25 users and i'm really hoping we can take on a bunch more vloggers, i think i might have to add some additional 'considerations' about the video getting used or not if i have like 25 videos to edit, maybe we should limit the reply time per video OR just open it up so people can download the videos and edit them in they way they want? that would be interesting! :)

thanks to all the founding vlogger team who have submitted videos so far on a daily basis, i realise those that cannot have busy lives too so i understand when you cannot make a post, i'm hoping that inviting a bunch more vloggers will provide some more perspectives to add to the mix! ;)

oh btw, talking about perspectives, me and @dayleeo pushed an updated podcast over on @teamaudio yesterday, if your looking to get PAID for your podcasting work you should really check anchor for that, it's great, we already got a little payout from our podcast from yesterday, always nice to earn while you sleep right? :)

Consider these when posting your video

  • 16:9 landscape works better for an editor than portrait (but i'll still include it if you make it that way)
  • don't watch the others in the day until you have uploaded yours (let your internal voice come through)
  • there is no right or wrong way to answer the question
  • aim for 1:30 > 3:00 minutes maybe, but if your on a tear, go for it, i'll pick out the awesome stuff
  • always think sound quality, be aware of background noise (bad video is fine if the audio is super clean)
  • this is an empowerment network, treat it like it's the last node network on planet earth.

nothing that fills me with my joy is when i see the videos coming in, knowing that someone somewhere on planet earth is using their connection to the internet to upload their video, super awesome, we are just NODES in the GLOBAL network! :)

bullet points from today. ..

  • let's try and keep our replies between 1:30 and 2:30 if we can as we onboard new people
  • gonna start to need to add questions, i can keep putting them together but i'd like this to be collobrative if we can so any questions you want the guys to ask please put in the comments
  • i've just put up a 17th to the 21st steem blockchain questions week, i really like the idea of dedicating a week to a topic, maybe something we can WORK on together like course creation and other accountability ideas!
  • think once i get to a critical mass of videos to edit in a day i'm just gonna close the upload window to lunchtime GMT+0 (12:OO) so that i've plenty of time to edit over my lunch break :)
  • gonna put together a little twitter social media campaign this weekend covering the last seven days and advertise that as well, see if we can get some traffic to the youtube playlist and the project in general.

wanna take part in adventube?

FILL OUT THIS FORM WITH YOUR EMAIL , it's gonna take you less then thirty seconds, when we have room to open up depending on where you are on the list we will send you a message to login to the video host backend, take a look at the 'watch first' video to know how to submit your video, we look forward to seeing you! :)

help me get to 1000 subscribers on youtube!

i've been trying to get to 1000 subs on youtube for the last six months, i'm like a few hundred away from that and i already have enough minutes each month on my videos -- i've been sitting on £58 for the last YEAR and i need a few more pounds for a payout from google! hook a brother up, help me get my WHISKY and RUM fix for the christmas season! :)


find us elsewhere on the blockchain

— media —
@teamhumble (main account)
@teamvideo (free cc0 scenes and cinema graphs)
@teamaudio (positively negative + others)
@teamstream (unified place for all team related actions)

— savings & planning —
@paperwork (visa applications, major system paperwork)
@pullalong (saving for a teardrop trailer)
@upgrades (new kit and yearly upgrades)
@transition (flights and trips)

— projects —
@productsense (steemhunt related podcast)
@eresidency (anything I discover about e-residency)
@cinemagraph (telling stories with subtlety)
@texttosteem (personally recorded audio podcasts of your blog)
@vlogging (building video collaboration on the blockchain)
@ampsteem (thirty day program for daily email uplift)
@bansko (can we activate a whole town on steem?)
@nomadpictures (free cc0 images on the blockchain)
@cryptocards (reviews and advice, startup banking etc)
@radio-taiso-n-so (daily, weekly, monthly fitness)
@actionhunger (stalled/stale project, no meeting)
@drdisrespect (getting the dr on the blockchain)
@everydaycarry (edc and survival things to get for the steemian)

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 (burton on trent) → sold to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado ripped up the town (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin south by southwest event → video chat with robert scoble from rackspace → music video can you spot me? → won the digital derry contest for 5k euros → crowdfunded digital signage concept called pi street → now living life through digital blockchains.

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