Easy coconut planting hybrid

Yes I am now going to discuss about the hybrid coconut, what the hell is that?? hybrid heads Hybrid coconut is the result of crosses to get superior varieties so fruit is nice

Hybrid coconut is the result of crosses to get superior varieties of coconut dalamdan coconut genjah varieties to produce a good properties from both types of coconut origin.

CoParent elections
Indukan of coconut trees must be aged between 20 to 40 years old and is a plant superior varieties. The tree must also have the characteristics of a sturdy stem, stalk, and the Crown of the ball-shaped or hemispherical.

The selection of seeds or fruit seeds
Seeds extracted from coconuts that are at least 6 to 12 months and are already cooked. The coconut fruit is ripe is brownish on the skin of the fruit. Make sure the fruit is free of pests and diseases.

To make sprouts
In this process, the seed of the coconut which was already chosen put in burlap sacks to taste and then placed in a special room germination. Flush 2 times sehhari to grow shoots and roots.

Preparation of seedlings and planting seeds
Prepare poly bag sized 50 x 40 cm which contains soil and sand in comparison with 2:1, don't forget to create a hole in the bottom of the polybag. Planting seeds in poly bag and flush 2 x a day. Don't forget to give fertilizer every once a month.conut seeds of hybrid you can buy from trusted seeds plant either by purchasing it directly, or online. If online, you simply contact the seller's contact information listed, after booking, hybrid coconut seedling will be sent directly to your address. But, if you do not want to buy it, you can make your own coconut seeds of hybrid it so you can instantly determine a winning hybrid coconut seedlings. To make coconut seeds of hybrid, there are steps that you must follow the following:
Parent elections
Indukan of coconut trees must be aged between 20 to 40 years old and is a plant superior varieties. The tree must also have the characteristics of a sturdy stem, stalk, and the Crown of the ball-shaped or hemispherical.

The selection of seeds or fruit seeds
Seeds extracted from coconuts that are at least 6 to 12 months and are already cooked. The coconut fruit is ripe is brownish on the skin of the fruit. Make sure the fruit is free of pests and diseases.

To make sprouts
In this process, the seed of the coconut which was already chosen put in burlap sacks to taste and then placed in a special room germination. Flush 2 times sehhari to grow shoots and roots.

Preparation of seedlings and planting seeds
Prepare poly bag sized 50 x 40 cm which contains soil and sand in comparison with 2:1, don't forget to create a hole in the bottom of the polybag. Planting seeds in poly bag and flush 2 x a day. Don't forget to give fertilizer every once a month.

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