Ep 1 - 5 Unicorn Robot Party Compilation (adult cartoon)

I have made a compilation video combining Episodes 1 to 5 of Unicorn Robot Party into a single video.

You can find it here:

This compilation includes the following episodes:

Ep 1 - Wake Up
Ep 2 - Forbidden Foods
Ep 3 - Know More
Ep 4 - Social Services
Ep 5 - Living and Non-Living Things

These videos were made using Crazytalk Animator 3, Inkscape, Audacity and Adobe Premiere Pro. The next episode following this requires quite a lot of new stuff, including rigging Electric Aura better than she was in these episodes (I had her body as one image and the head separate in these videos because she didn't have to move anything other than her head), so it is taking a while. I am also struggling with an issue with Crazytalk Animator 3 where it is adding outlines to things that shouldn't show outlines (overlapping body parts are the exact same colour but it is showing an outline anyway and those same body parts don't do it in anything I've put them in so far other than Crazytalk Animator) so, yeah, I've been dealing with a few hiccups.

Two of the episodes in this compilation also used Replica Studios, a Brisbane (Australia) based bueiness focused around AI voice actors.

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