
Women are priceless, and without them the world would never had been as fruitful as it is now, even I wouldn't have existed if not because of a woman.

In any relationship, there are always quarrels, misunderstanding and argument, and of a truth, at times, women could be really stubborn or even arrogant to their man, but no matter how annoying they act, as a man you should NEVER hit her.

Whether religion or even the law supports or frown against the act, it doesn't matter, anyone who hits his wife or woman to me has no dignity.
And It is quite sad that some men feel superior when they hit their ladies for any reason whatsoever.

Women go through a lot, ranging from monthly menstrual pain, and even pain at child birth, and despite how strong we men claim to be, we aren't strong enough to go through all the pain a woman goes through regularly.

As a man, you should treasure your woman and show her love at all times, no matter the situation do not hit her, always try to talk thing through, if there's love, there should be understanding amongst you and your lady, no one said any relationship would be easy, but if you Love her as you claimed from the start, please work things out and let peace abound.


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