Love hurts

How can something so beautiful hurt this much? Life sometimes seems to be unfair, making us victims of circumstances we have no control over; love.


You wake up one morning and the next thing, you're crushing on someone. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years and then you realize you are deeply in love already. You tell her and after so many talks, it dawns on you that the said person in question doesn't feel same way. "it's best we remain friends" she says. Now, you see your world melting under your cold feet. How do i cope? Where do i go? What do i do? How can i survive? All these questions and more keeps smashing on your brains. Your heart shreds into pieces with the thought that you cant be together.
Now, you wake up today. This is now two years from the day your heart shredded into pieces. "thank God I'm over it now" you say or so you thought. Unfortunately you see her and she playfully gists you about some recent happenings and then your heart leaps once more and your head spins. You suddenly realize that you never got over it, no.. It just kept on growing all these years instead. Your mind tricked you into believing it was over but your heart stood firm in its choice, strongly in conflict with your mind. "Oh God, how can i stop loving her?" you ask. But the irony remains that you cant stop loving no matter what. 💔💔

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