When next you feel life is being unfair to you, think again

“Madam, the Doppler ultrasound report suggests there's minimal blood perfusion to the left leg”

“ So what's the way out of this pain this boy is going through?” She asked searchingly.

He was just 19 years old, you can say he was full of life. Barely a year back, he had developed the same symptoms he presented with now, which resulted in the amputation of his right leg. The doctors said it was peripheral vascular disease. Probably another big name for a barely understood disease, he must have thought.
His parents had procured an artificial leg to ease his adaptation to the single limb life.

Here he was, same symptoms, the remaining leg, a year down the line. He already knows where all these would end but he was ready to bide his time, let the doctors say it themselves.

His pain threshold has been raped by this ailment, here he was begging for the leg to be cut off. The pain killers weren't working anymore, his leg was necrotic and the pain has made sleep distant from his eyes.

“Doctor, just take me to the theatre and cut this leg today, let me rest” He pleaded amidst groans of pain.

The leg went.

The luxury of having two legs snatched from a boy less than two decades into his life.

What did this 19 year old do to deserve this?
Life is only fair in fairy tales.
When next you feel life is being unfair to you, think again

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