Five Fascinating Crazy Facts About Rain.

Rain. That liquid thing that makes our plants healthy and growing, makes you regret going to cash work and delays your flight. You actually don't think too much about rain in your day-to-day doings. In fact you do not think of it at all. Unless it's going to make your shuttle a messy trip or be in your advantage of you not needing to water your lawn.
But the next time you get hard on yourself for stepping int a puddle,

or you see water pouring from the sky,

be sure to remember these five fascinating facts about rain droplets.

Burger Time

You think you know what a rain drop looks like? You have another think coming.
A raindrop starts its life looking like sphere in the cloud. it does this as means of enabling the molecules in it to adapt to each other. But once it starts to descend, it changes into a shape that somehow resembles the top half of your hamburger bun. Man I am hungry.

The Need For Speed

Raindrops usually change shapes as they fall, all depends on the speed they move.
now that brings us to this: at what speed do raindrops fall? Well, brace yourself cause they can be as fast as 20 miles per hour. Well that varies with their size. The bigger the faster, the smaller the slower.

Good Luck Drying Off
Grab a raincoat cause its going to get wet soon. At least not here. Mawsynrom in India is the wettest place on our planet (they should come to my bathroom or my It has about 467 inches of rain annually, reason is that the Himalayas prevents the cloud in that region to move away.

the irony in the phrase "heavy rain. the actual weight of an average raindrop is 0.00705479 ounces which is less than an eyelash. Which makes me think that the phrase may be an oxymoron.

Quench Your Thirst

It's not like the spring in Poland or Evian, but you can drink rain. Do not drink water if you're near a power line or in a place where the water could get dirty as it pours from the sky. boil your water, it will do a lot of wonder in cleaning it.

i still remain your humble friend and steemian @iamanass

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