Sad Day...

Well, it is a sad day for me. My trusty (for the most part) truck is close to the end of it's life with me. I bought this 2007 truck in 2010 and it has taken us camping all over the state of Michigan.

This past week I noticed it was misfiring and the check engine light came on. After taking it to a couple of places to have them look at it, I am left with no other choice...

You see, this model of engine had a special feature that cut the standard eight cylinders down to four if you were cruising on the free way. The idea was to boost fuel efficiency I guess. In the end they are pretty sure that is the system that is causing the issue.
There is no way of knowing without spending$1600 to $2500 to have them tear apart the engine and see though.

On top of that as you can see in the picture the bed is rusting out. Again on this particular model they put foam in the fenders to reduce noise. Little did they realize the foam would absorb moisture and rust the body from the inside out.

The thing that hurts the most is I just feel like I am giving up. I have to remember though that when I am towing our trailer I have three lives to worry about (plus those around me on the road).

@mrsbozz and our dog Jovi count on me to get them where we are going and back safely. Because of that I just can't take the chance anymore on this old girl. My original goal for Steemit was to earn enough to be able to buy a replacement for this truck. Sadly, I thought I would have much more time. Additionally, I thought I would have earned much more by now too!

With our first camping trip coming up at the end of May, it has been a mad dash to free up small amounts of funds here and there. Cutting back on investments and insurance so that we can make the new monthly payment.

I also have an army of sales people working to find the best possible deal within our budget. I know a lot of these are first world problems given everything that is happening in the world right now. It's still a sad day for me though and I wanted to share.


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