From Bottom to Top: introducing an autobiography series to help us better understand Law of Attraction


"What we think, we become."

- Buddha

Six years ago I would have laughed if someone told me there was an ancient practice which could be used to get anything you want in your life. Like some kind of magic trick which only a few people knew about... Sounds crazy right?

Yet today I am living proof of it's existence.

In this post I am going to outline the upcoming chapters which (after the introduction) will take you on a journey from 2007 when I was a drug addicted porn maker in London, up to the current day as a man on the road with his family, living exactly the way I want to live.

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Upcoming Chapters:

Part 1: How does Law of Attraction work?

  • The Law of Attraction (LOA) states that like attracts like, and in this Vibrational Universe our thoughts in the moment create our reality in the future.

I would like for you to understand this most important Universal Law before I tell you my story. People have been using it to get what they want for a very long time, yet even our greatest minds have been unable to fully explain it, but I am ready to give it my best shot! I will also give you step by step instructions so that you may start practicing it right away.

Part 2: A brief introduction to my life

  • 1976 - 2001
    Youngest son of ex-corporate giant [Harry Stonehill (who was betrayed the U.S. and lost everything)]( I was declared as having dyslexia & ADHD at school in the UK. In time I learned to adapt and after falling in love with magic, I won the Young Magician of the Year award in 1989. Finally I fell in love with film and chose this as my life career.

Part 3: Success does not necessarily equal happiness!

  • 2001 - 2007
    I had just finished working on Guy Ritchie's movie 'Snatch' when my father died in 2001, leading me down an unexpected path into the UK porn industry. With my new job came much success and international adventures, but I knew in my heart I was deeply unhappy.

Part 4: Rehab

  • 2009
    Believing my unhappiness to be the result of my many addictions, I checked myself into rehab in South Africa where I learned many things. But most importantly I discovered a book called 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne.

Part 5: Sobriety

  • 2010
    I was sober for a total of 18 months (not even a coffee or cigarette!) yet I ended up directing porn again and despite getting engaged to a beautiful porn star I still didn't feel happy.

Part 6: The difficult awakening

  • 2011
    Didn't marry the porn star (thank goodness!) and started learning more about the world instead. I felt deeply saddened & betrayed when I discovered the many deceptions going on today and did my best to spread the word. In this period I came across the Law of Attraction again, through the words of Abraham (see my daily Abe quotes here) and this time I took note...

Part 7: The year of change

  • 2012
    Began practicing the described techniques, focusing on a life of total freedom on the open road with a family of my own (I even specifically focused on a beautiful brunette European partner). I became a vegan, stopped wearing shoes, started sun-gazing & meditating. I will be examining sun-gazing in my ongoing series TRUTH SEEKING. Please don't look at the sun till you have done your research first.

Part 8: LOA starts working its' magic on me!

  • 2013
    I was unexpectedly invited to the U.S. by a brother I hadn't spoken to since the death of my father, leaving a friend in charge of my rented home for the 5 weeks I was away. Various bizarre events (involving the police and a bunch of harmless plants) led to my eviction and with little money at that time I was left with no choice but to sell what I had and set out on the road.

Part 9: My life-changing Camino

  • 2013
    Walked barefoot a section of the Camino de Santiago (a pilgrimage route across southern France & Northern Spain with all my (mostly film related) possessions on my back. This journey let me to a free home in Barcelona where I was able to hone my time-lapse skills in Gaudi's beautiful park Guell.

Part 10: Thailand, land of dreams

  • 2013
    I was invited to live in Thailand for a film job where I met my French partner Sabrina (seen in the main image at the top) when she sat next to me on a bus!

Part 11: Learning to be a father in France

  • 2014
    Moved to South of France to meet Sabrina's family. Esteban was born in Perpignan, not far from the Spanish boarder. I didn't speak much French at that time, so I focused on my love of films and mentally preparing myself for a life on the road, which I could feel coming to me now as a direct result of my new dominant thought patterns.

Part 12: Indonesia & the final piece of the puzzle

  • 2015 - 2017
    After being invited to live in Bali for a film job I discovered Steemit through a crypto developer I met in the jungle! Prior to this I had no knowledge of cryptocurrency so there was much to catch up on! Luna was born in Bali and after 2 years here we are ready now to continue on the road now... living exclusive on Steem and the possibilities created by this, such as trading, mining and investing into ICOs.

What you can see in this timeline is an exact manifestation of my desire established in 2012.

And below you can see my current profile banner & the kind of life I live now.

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If you are interested to learn more about this life I live now, you can follow my up to date blogging, truth seeking, photography, poetry, songs & films @samstonehill & @samstonehilltube

Or you can keep following @adsactly for the next installment of my gift to you:

The Law of Attraction & the Story of my Life.

Authored by: @samstonehill

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