ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Value Of Time - Part 3

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ADSactly on ADSACTLY #65

Value Of Time - Part 3


We've established a premise of time as human's most valuable asset which is daily exchanged for the means of fulfilling needs of our bodies and minds. Let's see how present structure of employment treats our time and what could be possible solutions.

For example, you got a job, you work for someone exchanging your time for a bunch of paper that will allow you to buy food, pay rent and fulfil your wishes in order to achieve happiness. You work daily and have no time left to spend the money you make. At the same time, your employer is eager to maximize the time you spend working, instead of living your life. Paid overtimes or not, it is your time. Unless you find utmost joy in working for your employer and make your work the meaning of your life (what every employer would love to see), you are cutting off your time and making it company's time.

What is a good ratio?

It depends on the person. A person with fewer needs and wishes in life doesn't have such a problem with unpaid overtimes, can take work home and minimize his/her free time in order to get extra money to spend 'sometime' or give it away. There will always be people who accept the system and bend to its rules. Others, who understand the value of time, can see through this and are not willing to trade their time for paper assets. They rightfully demand more and are often unhappy with the situation they are in.

There are also people who decide to get out of the system and apply for welfare. By doing so, they've won their time back and are spending it a manner they prefer. At this point, the debate of spending the time to earn material gains stops. These people have a huge surplus of time, which is nonetheless spent daily. It is up to a person to decide what to do with it. People who do this are often considered to be an additional weight on the system by others who believe that we all live to work and vice versa.

However, this paradigm can be heavily challenged, even though we must admit that the choices people make are not often beneficial to them or the society in general. The abundance of time can easily become a problem.

We very well know that governments print money when there is a need for it. When a ministry needs money for some project, the money is easily created out of a thin air. So, why would people on welfare be taking from the rest? They receive banknotes straight from under the press. These are equally worthless pieces of paper just like the ones people earn. The demand for money for social welfare is infinitely smaller than the enormous war budgets designed for killing others. What is more useless when you think a little deeper?

Some enlightened countries in the world have a modest "guaranteed income". Every one of their citizens, employed or not, receives an allowance coming up every month just for being born in that country. This is helping people who do not want to sell their time at slave's wages and have decided to live modestly at the same time. They spend their time doing whatever they deem important for themselves. Huge companies are taxed a little more for the benefit of people.

The problem arises when people decide not to do anything and just let their time fly away in idleness. There is no perfect system which wouldn't challenge the basis of human rights, as of now.

Think about the meaning of your time and the amounts of money you get for it if you're employed, or the meaning of your time if you have it in abundance.

Let us know your findings.

To be continued...

In the next sequel, we'll talk about ways of earning within the current system but not working for a boss.

ADSactly on ADSACTLY series is authored by @velimir

Thank you for following "Value Of Time" series of articles. We hope you enjoyed them and learned a thing or two. If not, then we hope they at least remind you of something you already knew deep down and can use it as food for thought.

Image Source for all images, unless stated otherwise, is Pixabay.


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ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 3 Open Stewardship
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 4 Society's Value Contribution System
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 5 The Value of Our Time
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 6 Cooperation and fair benefits
ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part # 7 Support local production
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