ADSactly On ADSACTLY - Part #1

ADSactly on ADSACTLY - Part #1

Many people ask what is ADSactly. There are so many inquiries that we simply don't have enough time to answer to all of them. To avoid any further misinterpretations and disinformations, we are starting "ADSactly on ADSactly" explanatory blog series to clear out the mist.

ADSactly is an abbreviation for "Autonomous Decentralized Society Acting Cooperatively To Leverage You".

Seven years ago ADSactly was a small Internet community of dedicated members sharing a strong vision. In time, with the evolvement of the original idea, ADSactly outgrew the limitations of a community and became a society.

Today, we are a decentralized society based on the highest regards for human values and the well-being of all involved individuals. We do not support or recognize social status shortcuts, class membership advantages, preferred country of origin or any other similar and poorly quantifiable double standards that are, directly or indirectly, implied by the real-world social systems. ADSactly is not an exclusive Steemit project. Our reach is broader.

ADSactly working environment is modelled after an open-value network(1) model and utilizes the coopoly(2) system in sharing human resources.

(1) Definition of Open-Value Network

"An open-value network is a network of open-enterprises that can provide all functions of a corporation in an open-collaboration fashion. Recently, we have seen a rise in open-collaboration in the functions of marketing, communication, value creation, and so forth. Yet, there has never been an open collaboration model that can provide all the functions of a corporation. The structure of open-value network framework provided in this paper outlines a model that could create a true open-collaboration enterprise that would follow the principles of open source.
Open-source models present a tremendous opportunity to tackle social and environmental challenges. Nonetheless, open source models daunting financial and legal challenges since there are gaps in the business model. The open-enterprise framework provided in this paper could help resolve these challenges by providing the required open-legal and governance structures.
From the sustainability perspective, an OVN provides mechanisms of non-control and open-access while providing all functions of a corporation. Therefore, I conclude that open-enterprises can truly target social and environmental market needs in an efficient way while creating and redistributing the value generated in an ethical fashion. Hence, the OVN model meets the Porter and Kramer’s (2011) criteria for scalable sustainability."

(2) Definition of Coopoly

"A coopoly is a co-operative monopoly. It is created to join enterprises (companies) and people together in a purpose and values (not profit) driven cooperative model that reduces waste (enabling ephemeralization) from a meta-perspective and proves that competition is not supporting people or the planet and that "sharing is having more”. Ephemeralization is a term coined by Buckminster Fuller to define the evolutionary process of increasingly doing more and more with less and less. A big part of the ephemeralization is created by removing competition and the win/lose dynamic in the marketplace and replacing it with a cooperative win/win dynamic. The idea of a coopoly is to transition the current fear-based extrinsically profit motivated organizations to a love based intrinsically purpose motivated organizations. A coopoly is like a living organism that can synergistically operate with other coopolies in a co-operative and symbiotic ecosystem. Synergy cannot work in a competitive environment."

This, unless you are fully familiar with the terms, will make you think. And we want you to think. Therefore, we will continue posting about the society in the following days. Every honest individual with good intentions is invited to join and offer his skills, knowledge or resources. If you found your own thoughts within this words, consider yourself invited! The society's channel is here: ADSactly

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