Facebook Ad Account Disabled 😮😡😒 What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation ✅

Have you just had your Facebook ads account disabled and you're wondering what to do next? How to get your account back and how to start advertising on Facebook? If that doesn't work, what to do next?

I've been through having a Facebook ad account with $120,000 in ads spent disabled, I've made an entire video about it.

This is my newest update on what you can do right after your Facebook ads account is disabled

I understand this can be a painful and frustrating process. I've got good news for you. This can be a great learning and growth opportunity. Also, if you let it be that and if you really want to get the most out of it, I imagine you'll read this whole post and really let all of this sink in.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation

The first option in the process is to appeal.

There is a link for everything in the description that I'm mentioning here, including this apeal form and if you've already done this, I'll have a look ahead for you.

Almost all of these appeals are rejected with a form letter, I'll show you, for example, something like this.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation

This is the one when I appealed my ad account getting rejected. It was just a copy and paste decision and yes, you can interpret it as cold or the however you want to, all that is irrelevant.

The question is, what are you going to do next? What are you going to learn? How are you going to grow from this?

If you haven't appealed yet, you can make an attempt. I suggest not putting a bunch of energy and time into it because it's more than likely someone is not even going to spend more than a minute copying and pasting a reply of why the decision is final on your appeal.

I've only seen a very small percentage of people get their ad-accounts reversed out of appeal, and thus, the chances are very low on this happening. Therefore, there is another step to directly get into advertising on Facebook, which I will show you here.

However, depending on the nature of your Facebook ad account being disabled, this may or may not work for you, this did work for me to start advertising on Facebook again. However, I've told people that this did not work.

What you need to do for this is to have an account and a Facebook Business Manager, you need to be able to go to business.facebook.com and follow the directions I'm giving you here.

There's a direct link right here to the exact spot you need to go to get to what I'm showing you.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation

What we're going to do in this is create a new ad account.

This will allow you to continue advertising on an additional account. I was able to do this because I guess my infraction was not that serious. My Facebook ad account apparently was just disabled so I couldn't run any of the ads I already had in my account.

I was advertising cryptocurrencies before that was not allowed and the only way to stop me from continuing to run my ads was to disable my account, they were not willing —as you can see from the form letter I got— to allow me to just do anything else in that account. However, I was able to do this. So this is one thing you can check, you need to go to get to this you need to go to your business settings.

If you haven't already, you need to create a Business Manager Account. This will potentially allow you to create additional add accounts.

  • If you go up to Business Settings, this option will not come up if you're in this Settings just above, you need to create a Business Manager Account and then do Business Settings right here to get to what I'm showing you.
Facebook Ad Account Disabled What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation
  • Once you're over here, you need to scroll down and click on Add Accounts.
  • Once you've clicked on Add Accounts, you'll see a list of all your existing ads accounts in the Business Manager, for me, you can see the Facebook ad account I have disabled, then three more accounts that I was able to create with this process.
  • What you do to create this is you go click on Add, you click on plus and you scroll down to click on Create a new ad account.
  • After that you will get a pop up window up and you can put in an account name here, let's say FB Tutorial Account, just to demonstrate, you can select a payment method later.

If you've had your Facebook ad account disabled with anything related to your payment method, make sure you choose a different payment method. For example, if you have a credit card, and the bill didn't go through or there was a chargeback, make sure you use a different payment method. However, from what I've seen, that's working with others.

If you get your Facebook ad account disabled for anything related to a payment method or a chargeback, you probably will not be able to create a new one. That said, you can still give it a try.

You don't need to select a payment method that you pick your timezone, your currency, you can pick a payment method later, you hit next.

And now the question is: Who Will This Account Be For? Do you want to do it for your business or, another business?

If you pick your business, if this approach doesn't work, you could potentially try and do it for another business or client and then click on Create.

When you click on Create, if your entire account is not prevented from creating new accounts, you will then have a brand new account in here that you can start advertising on again and that's what I was able to do.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation

I just created a new account called Real Productive Life and started advertising on it and I have not had any issues since then.

However, I just worked with a client who tried this same process and when they clicked on create, it said "you are blocked from creating new accounts" or something like that, it didn't go through, even though it said in the settings that there were five accounts allowed, there is a place where you can go look in the settings and see how many accounts you're allowed to create. I'm allowed to create up to 10 accounts total, however your account level may differ.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation

If it doesn't allow you to create an account, then you've got some kind of account level block on creating new accounts and that won't work for you.

If this approach does not work for you, then you're in the perfect position to start looking for some alternatives.

What I've noticed in my business is usually if I'm trying to force things, if I'm struggling and fighting against something that's a sign from the universe that I need to move, that I need to take a different approach and I've noticed in working with others, the hesitancy to stop the fight, to just say, "look, maybe it's not good for me to advertise on Facebook" and I understand how hard this can be to come to because I've been through a lot of fights in my life.

I was a police officer before and I understand wanting to win and be safe and fight and get my way, I've done a lot in my business. And what I can say is, this consistently is a less productive way to use our time, I just talked to somebody who spends 20+ hours of their very valuable time fooling around with Facebook trying to get an account restored.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation

Now think about that, how much per hour do you charge for your time? If you're spending a lot of time trying to get something back then it's going to allow you to spend more money based on the belief that it's often not proven that you'll make a profit. I cannot prove on the $300,000 I've spent advertising online that I've made a profit.

I've made millions of dollars in revenue, I've made hundreds of thousands of profit. But if you include all the time I spent on that, all the money and cost and the opportunity cost of doing that, the things I could have done instead, I'd have to say that online advertising for me that I could have built my business much better without online advertising. And today, I am not advertising. I just put up a video or I refuse to run ads for myself anymore.

Now that you might wonder, okay, well, what's the alternative?

First, I'll give you some alternatives. If you are committed to online advertising, then I'll show you what you can do without online advertising.

First, if you just sold and you just love online advertising, I've got a post I suggest you read. It's called "YouTube Advertising Tutorial 2019! $0.02 CPV with Google Ads for Video!" And this is the advertising I was most excited about right when I quit doing advertising, which was like three days ago, I've gone back and forth quitting online ads a lot because they're kind of addictive.

YouTube Advertising Tutorial 2019! $0.02 CPV with Google Ads for Video!

Google ads for video or YouTube ads.

These are some of the best value I found in online ads because unlike Facebook ads, which I currently have a very low opinion of Facebook ads in terms of cost vs return.

Now, I understand that a lot of people have shown a lot of case studies and I've spent a lot of money. I've got a lot of things out of Facebook ads myself.

But the current amount of money it costs to advertise on Facebook, and the user experience of scrolling past an ad and Facebook telling you your ad got a view when someone scrolled past it and didn't watch it all. I'm down on Facebook ads right now.

YouTube ads seem to be working really well, I was just testing YouTube ads and consistently getting people to say they saw my ads and started following me.

YouTube ads are awesome, because when people click on these ads, they have the volume on and are looking to watch a video and you can rank videos organically. If you make a great video on a searchable term, you can rank videos organically that will get you a lot of traffic and this is some of the best advertising I've done in my business online.

I've spent about 80 or 90,000 on YouTube ads. I've ranked videos using those ads that made hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales organically after I ran the ads. YouTube ads are the best form of advertising I see available today, because there's a lot of impressions at a good quality for a low cost, you can get $0.04 or $0.05 cost per click (CPC) with YouTube ads.

I've just done an entire post on this also "Cheapest Online Advertising with High-Quality PPC Network and Placement", you can run display ads YouTube that get $0.04 or $0.05 (CPC) a click in the USA and $0.01 or $0.02 (CPC) clicks globally.

"Cheapest Online Advertising with High-Quality PPC Network and Placement

You get a video view out of it, you've got built into remarketing, you can do it right on your YouTube channel, you can see exactly how many people are watching a video. Also, you can track how many people are subscribing, YouTube ads are really good. I am suggesting and helping clients to do YouTube ads for their businesses locally because video is a very powerful way to promote trust, to get to know somebody and video is on YouTube.

YouTube is the best place to get into video because there's not that much competition, and there's lots of impressions. When people are on YouTube, they're watching videos.

I see there's a lot of excitement about Facebook and Instagram. Well, I noticed when I'm on Facebook and Instagram, I don't usually watch videos. And worse than that, I've often got the sound off. There's nothing anti climatic like trying to put your ad out there and somebody's got the sound off and watch it for three seconds and you pay for that and you don't get anything out of it.

I've also had a negative experience. As someone who has discovered people through online ads, I've noticed that the people I've discovered through online ads, I don't tend to have a good long term relationship with them, that I often will quickly get burnt out on their business, I'll end up unfollowing them.

I'll have a negative opinion of them and their business. I've noticed the same thing in my business, advertising online can generate a lot of haters. When I did YouTube ads, they were so effective that I got a lot of haters coming out talking about you and your ads and blah, blah, blah.

Facebook Ad Account Disabled What To Do Next to Advertise After Deactivation

YouTube ads do work very well to get interaction, to get comments, but sometimes they'll be negative. Whereas on Facebook, I've spent hundreds of dollars before not even getting a comment. You spend like $10 on YouTube and three people will tell you a piece of their mind good or bad. That's I highly recommend YouTube ads,

I've got two posts that are full tutorials that are showing exactly how to do it.

Now the question is, what is better than advertising? What is the best form of advertising and marketing?

To me it is content marketing, the best form of growing your business is just what I'm doing right now, I'm not advertising this, if you've discovered it, you've discovered it totally for free, because you wanted to.

That is the ideal form that we want for our businesses. That's the goal. Now imagine for your business being discovered by people who are looking for you, you've got it here, on some level, because you were looking for it, I didn't stick it in your face, and try and get you to find it. I created this and now you're here. That's the beauty of content marketing.

The best place to do content marketing is on YouTube, with live streams. And I've done several videos about this recently that are really good.

Here's one I did 0 to 22K YouTube Subscribers and $0 to Earning $100K Online with Essetino Artists, with Jewel and Auret, and they have built their entire business off of content marketing and serving clients, which is nice because they don't have a bunch of money to spend on ads.

When you spend a bunch of money on ads, that's when you're not able to spend on something else.

This interview with them is very inspirational and has a lot of good feedback. I highly recommend you read or watch this whole interview and get to know them and see how they've built their business without spending a bunch of money on ads.

I have another video on How to Make Passive Income Online 2019 and it's all about how YouTube is amazing for generating passive income online.

I also talked about things like podcasting and blogging. But the best thing is to get videos up on YouTube because then you can turn them into a podcast into a blog post.

One of the best opportunities I see today is live streaming, live streaming allows you to get the highest level of interaction and trust with viewers. You can live stream using re-stream on Facebook and YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Mixer, you can get out to all these places that you would never get to just trying to run an ad on Facebook.

Therefore I suggest if you can figure out a way to do your business and build your business by creating things like videos, live streams, a podcast, blog posts, and then positioning them to get found in Google search traffic, social media, YouTube search, YouTube suggested videos, browse features, home pages, Instagram feed, Facebook feed, create and position yourself to get discovered naturally, this is the most ideal form of having a business because this is also very consistent and stable.

I make thousands of dollars every month whether I do anything or not.

I literally could turn all the lights off in my office and not do anything and I'd make thousands of dollars a month, that's the beauty of building a business like this.

What I noticed is that in my rush to build up my subscribers and my followers and my income, I used a lot of online ads. I've inflated my following a lot. I have hundreds of thousands of subscribers on YouTube.

I just did a video recently to address a very common question I get, which is "Jerry, why is it you've got 200,000 subscribers and you get like a few hundred views of video" And that's because I've run so many online ads.

I've rented so many online ads that I've artificially inflated my following, especially on Facebook, I've rented so many Facebook ads, I have 2.2 million followers online and a lot of my posts or some of them won't even get any likes. The one and the live streams I do will maybe get 100 likes, and the regular photos and stuff I share will often get maybe one to 10 likes on them.

The reason my organic reach is so low is because I artificially inflated my following by using Facebook ads. And when you artificially inflate your following and your sales with ads, it often will give you too much at once. You have too many customers and you won't do a good job for them and then you might as well have just had one customer and done a great job for them. Instead of spending all that time and money on ads. All that time and money on the customers that then aren't happy and don't keep coming back.

The final suggestion I have

If you're just getting a little totally lost. Now you're like "man, I don't even know what I don't know anymore" join a mastermind and work with people who are already doing business online, who are already earning thousands and sometimes $10.000+ a month. A lot of it passive income.

Join a Mastermind

Whether it's mine or another one, a mastermind helps you in ways you can't even imagine. A lot of people struggle to figure this out also and I struggled so much to figure out that when I saw the need for it I didn't even know where I could join. I went to a mastermind before in person where I used to live, and I saw how helpful it was to go get ideas there.

But what I found is that the mastermind wasn't good enough for me and I made my own mastermind, I've got I've called it Jerry Banfield Partners, we have daily video call workshops, daily video call workshops, which is extremely helpful when you've got through something painful like having your Facebook ad account disabled.

These daily video call workshops are great place to get somebody to listen to you.

What a lot of us are missing in our work online is having someone listen to us. When we're trying to advertise things, what we're really trying to do is get somebody to listen to us and the problem with this approach is we're often getting the wrong people to listen to us, as I've talked about with my YouTube ads, spending money to get people out there that don't want to see my videos to tell me how much my videos sucked.

These are not the right people to listen to me, talking to entrepreneurs online who are currently making thousands and $10.000+ a month, and sharing my ideas and asking for feedback. Those are the right people to listen to me and those are the right people that I enjoy being the right people to listen to and provide feedback as well.

I spend 90% of my time in these daily video call workshops, listening, and 10% talking. Especially when you're starting out, I see so many entrepreneurs that either have great ideas that are poorly executed, or poor ideas with a lot of enthusiasm and execution. I've been through a lot of both.

What you can do to speed up your growth process and learning is to join a mastermind and if you're struggling, you're staying up at night and you're in on Saturday night and you're hustling and struggling with your business and you get all upset by something like a Facebook ad account being disabled, this mastermind is for you. I've saved this to the end. I can see how viewers dip off. You are the one to 10% that stayed all the way here. This is exactly what you need.

I'm here so you can talk to me and other entrepreneurs like me such as Jewel and Auret do the calls also but we are currently between me and them. We're doing all of these calls. Now you can talk to us almost every day just by joining the partner program.

What's amazing is the cost, there are two different options, you can either get a lot of video courses with it in my complete Continuing Education Program for Entrepreneurs, or you can join my mastermind which has Private Label Rights. Then you can use my courses for content to get your content marketing started. Either way, the cost is only $48 a month, which if you're spending money on Facebook ads you can easily afford or $1,000 for life, which is the best value.

Jewel and Auret have a lifetime membership and within a year they've earned $17,000 working with me. There you go. It's that easy.

Thank you very much for reading all the way through the blog post on "What to do after getting your Facebook Ad Account Disabled", I'm very grateful for the chance to serve you today and help you with a problem that might be painful for you.

If you have not already. You're still here and you haven't subscribed, you all are going to love hitting that subscribe button and turning those notifications on so that you can see the new videos I put out every day for you to help you build your business, succeed online and reach your maximum potential in life.

You can also join the masses of followers on Facebook, the 2 million followers from ads in the 200,000 legit followers from organic sources. You can hit the Follow button and join especially for the live streams on Facebook.

Wow. I love you. You're awesome.

I'm excited to talk with you and one of my workshops and well I'm more excited to listen to you and one of my online workshops. Please comment if you get all the way to the end, I'd love to get to know you better. I read and reply to almost every comment on my YouTube channel.

Jerry Banfield

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://jerrybanfield.com/facebook-ad-account-disabled-what-to-do-next-to-advertise-after-deactivation/
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