Adrenochrome Labs a Jaunt through history that pulls up some very interesting Globalist influencers to the CoFounder including Richard Branson of NEXIVM connections and ties of PM where it is located. What is the deal with the deaths on HWY of Tears?

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This article covers some information on. . .

  • the location and a Co-founder of Adrenochrome Labs.

  • who this Co-founder is connected to including globalists like Bill Gates and Richard Branson

  • How this lab is close to the Trans Canadian Highway and what it feeds into.

  • Some deaths along the Highway of Tears in Canada and those connected to Hockey Teams

  • What do Podesta and his literal hands, plus his hands in the PIE have to do with this?

  • Information regarding Justin Trudeau, the company he keeps including those associated with the Clinton Foundation and pedophile friends all over the world. The foundation he helped his father with which includes a pedophile symbol.

  • Some interesting language used in articles. Is it seeding the conscience or signaling to to other Globalists of a certain persuasion?

  • See information leading to a connecting article on the Justin Trudeau, Bronfman family. . .Epstein and some other globalist elite networking. Guess who the major funding for Trudeau's campaign was? The not so well known Bronfman. Bronfman's connected to Lynn Forester de Rothschild in a partnership.

It's been almost a year since I came upon some information for this site. I noticed their demonic looking suggestively dressed icons and labeling and how it was sold in either a liquid form or fogger. Now it looks as if it is sold as e-cig juice.

If you do a duckduckgo search you will find info like this,

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Called "Medical Laboratories" . Creepy as all heck!

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Before I get into all of this existing lab's history, let's just ask the glaring question. Why in the world Would you call it Adrenochrome?

Now we know all of those who are fans of a globalist, blood thirsty, cannibal signaling culture are going to stand up for it and try to justify it. I see no justification when I see not just influencers, but these predators throwing What they actually do right in our faces. Those who are on the side of good call it exactly what it is. . .evil!

What am I talking about? If not familiar with these shows, elitist preying events under the guise of "art" and self worship go here and Open your Eyes and thinking!

Go here if not familiar, scroll down a third of the way to see evidence like this. . .these events and shows took place. Clearly Not for little eyes and ears so use headphones if needed!

Marina Abramovic mock cannibal dinner gala

See a few more here showing their predictive programming (which through research and eye witness accounts means they have Already been doing this for decades and usually for centuries!).

Back to Adrenochrome as I had a Great #GuardianOfChildren recently post this on a report regarding Cannibalism being signaled by elitists as a way to curb climate change. Can you believe this kind of satanic logic i.e. predatory sickness?

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For more info later you can go here,

cannibalism solution to climate change promoted by the same elitists who won't give up private jets

So considering Adrenochrome is this. ..Thanks for the Great Meme James. . .

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Remember they have even payed homage to this in their entertainment industry with their studios which hearken back to those top scientists brought over from Hiler's crew in Operation Paperclip. Look It Up if not familiar.

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More Memes form James B. that Tell the story...

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So I looked up one of their founders and who his interests and influencers are. . .Very Telling for those who have eyes to see and Know exactly what these people are involved in. Why would they name their company knowing this? Or was it because They have Always KNOWN this? Why does satan tamper so much with our DNA? Whose image are we created after and who does Satan hate? Who did he take on in heaven and incite to rebel with him? 1/3 of the angels. Think about that and why do you suppose they co-opt numbers and like certain ones So Much?

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If they're not Signaling something and haven't been all along, how is this explained? How do you suppose they will justify it away and get their Entire following of Progressive radicals to do the same on their behalf?

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Notice how one of the characters in here looks a lot like the icons on their labeling and logos,

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Also showing Who they are really about. . .they signal the dragon,

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Just take a look at the Dragon's brands

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For larger image go here,

Who is the Dragon again?

For those who say, you're being ridiculous.'s just a fun fantasy character we all like to have fun with! Really? Do you like to have fun all the way to your demise? Because the Dragon is Not for you, but rather against you!

Revelation 12:9
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”

God Tells us Exactly who he is, so why do so many people try to distract from his actual existence and what he is really here to do? Why do You Think? Who does he seek to destroy?

That Dragon, serpent of old, the devil. . . is a Soul Collector and he will use all he can to help him!

John 10:10
“The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”

Very briefly. . .then more on Andrenochrome Labs so you fully understand the significance and how it relates to Now on the Time Continuum.

Remember Nicole Junkermann connected to Epstein because she flew on the Lolita Express with him a few times and once alone?

her husband, Ferdinando Brachetti Peretti's history and he connects to the Vatican?

Now remember she was a model turned entrepreneur, vast investor in Many globalist companies including Google and various other wide reaching influencers in many markets.

This just happened. . .

Junkermann was appointed to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care’s Healthtech Advisory Board. The board guides the UK Government on its mission to transform technology in the NHS.

Hands in "Health Industry" and husband's family connected to House of Borromeo on his brother's wife's side. Nicole's husband's mother worked for more than 30 years in the Red Cross and is the only woman in Italy to carry the military grade of General, connected to Vatican just as the House of Borromeo is connected to Vatican.

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Now take a closer look at their family crest

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I'm pretty sure if your Eyes are open. can see Clearly Exactly what the origins are? Who was the first deceiver in the Garden of Eden that talked Adam and Eve into rebelling just as he did 1/3 of the angels? Who had to leave their Protected space because that old serpent talked them out of it? Why does the biscone's head look like the head of a dragon?

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The Dragon. ..Andrenochrome Labs is under this, What is being signaled. . .all the way to deceived people's demise? Sound similar to the Garden of Eden story?

Satan tell you who he is, not everyone Wants to believe. Some will choose Not to Know.

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Remember all of these connections when you here the history of Adrenochrome Labs and all that Surrounds it both physically and in the information world.

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His interests and there's Trudeau. . .globalist extraordinaire! Takes care of terrorists and pedos, but Not his own people!

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Notice Trudeau.

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Remember when this happened?

Interesting info tying him to Clinton Foundation and other criminal activities in here,

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What are they trying to hide exactly?

By altering my search parameters I came upon this in Iceland Review,

Reykjavík District Court sentenced lawyer Róbert Árni Hreidarsson to a three-year prison term for sexually violating four teenage girls, ages 14 to 16, and the possession of child pornography.

Hreidarsson was also disbarred and was made to pay his victims ISK 2.2 million (USD 35,000, EUR 25,000) in restitution and 2.7 million (USD 43,000, EUR 31,000) in legal costs, Morgunbladid reports.

Hreidarsson, who is 61, approached the girls via the online chat program MSN Messenger pretending to be 17. He was aware that the girls had mental and social problems and that some of them needed money to finance their drug habits.

As the 17-year-old, Hreidarsson offered to introduce the girls to an older man, himself, who would pay them for sexual favors. He had sexual intercourse with two of the girls and paid the others for oral sex and exposing themselves in front of a web camera.

During a search of the offender’s home nearly three hundred pictures and five video cassettes were discovered containing child pornography.

16 October 1995 - 11 April 2000 Robert Arni Hreidarsson Downey worked as a Secretary (LAWYER) in BROADCAST AND MULTI MEDIA 2000 CORPORATION LIMITED


13 October 1995 - 11 April 2000 Robert Arni Hreidarsson Downey worked as a Secretary (LAWYER) in MARKETING 2000 LIMITED


Interesting right?

So what about Trudeau? Seems to run in circles with pedophiles also.

According to News Punch,

Ingvaldson, 42, a long-term close friend of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, has been found guilty of child pornography charges after being caught directing an international pedophile ring.

Justin Trudeau and Ingvaldson have been closely linked since their days as room-mates at college, and after completing their teaching degrees they were both accepted to teach at West Point Grey Academy, an elite Vancouver private boarding school.

After becoming Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau encouraged Ingvaldson to run for political office as a member of the Liberal Party. Ingvaldson announced his desire to be the Liberal MP candidate in the district of Vancouver-Kingsway, and developed a social media pages announcing his plans to run.

Ingvaldson entered guilty pleas in B.C. Provincial Court in Vancouver to accessing child pornography and possession of child porn. He was also initially charged with two counts of importing or distributing child pornography.

See more in the link from above.

Back to Adrenochrome labs as All of these people tie in.

Here are this Co-Founder's influencers. . .Notice Bill Gates (talked about him last night, how both he and his father are big time into Eugenics, i.e. population control). Gates also in big with Monsanto and does the biotech side while putting little farmers out of business unless they Cave to using his poison and seed they "claim" are resistant to Their Own poison. Conflict of interest much? Notice Richard Branson of NEXIVM fame. . .Good buddies with Epstein and neighbor of yet another elitist partying island owned by Branson named Necker Island.

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More tie in to Other Elitists and those in places of power, money (given to them even by the C_a or as the white hats dub them. . .clowns) so it is Not by mistake these become become quite powerful and influential.

In May 2013, Bezos met with Richard Branson, chairman of Virgin Galactic, to discuss commercial spaceflight opportunities and strategies. He has been compared to Branson and Elon Musk as all three are billionaires who prioritize spaceflight among their business interests.

I can tell you One place among many Branson has travelled to. Epstein Island and if you do a dig, you will find some interesting info about Branson's island over there by Epstein's.
Called Necker Island,

If you scroll down towards bottom third info on Necker Island of this article

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Isn't That interesting? So quite the space and here these elitists have made it known they like to Hunt!

Here is an interesting clip done by Branson where he even speaks of news and what is Important to the Globalists. These people Tell you who they are. . .many don't want to listen and Choose Not to Know.

See how elitists like Richard Branson live. I believe in the motto of Live and let Live Unless you are trampling on the rights of others and in tight with people connected NEXIVM who were trafficking not just women (as if that's Not bad enough) but also children.

You can do a simple search, but a would suggest duckduckgo

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This article titled,

Sex cult partied on Richard Branson’s private island

Can be found in sources below for more information.

The Sun has discovered that Nexivm cult members held wild parties and seminars on Sir Richard Branson’s private Caribbean island, Necker.

Former Nexivm publicist Frank Parlato said: “I was told the reason they staged the seminars on Necker was they hoped to recruit Branson into the organization.”

“Branson would have been the biggest score they ever had — a billionaire businessman.”

Several group members, including co-founder Nancy Salzman, visited Necker for two seminars in 2007 and 2010. The cult’s leader, Keith Raniere, did not attend either trip.

At least one of the visits is said to have been paid for by billionaire heiress and Nxivm follower Sara Bronfman, whose late father, businessman Edgar Bronfman Sr., knew Branson.

“Nancy said she did the teaching by day. But she said he became increasingly restless and hosted really crazy parties that started earlier and earlier.”

“The classes started at 7 a.m. and were supposed to run to 9 p.m. or 10 p.m., but everyone was up late at night and no one wanted to show up on time.”

So back to the Co-Founder of Adrenochrome Labs,

This man worked with Abdul-Rahim Khan,

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So he Also owns a "Vape shop" in British Columbia and he and Khan had worked together before,

Interesting this is the Address isn't it?

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Their facebook says Langley,

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Seen on their page,

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There is one in Langley with the address on their linkden page being 19840 96th street BC (they do love it when they can get 2 or even three 6's out of something, as above so below so those 9's Are 6's).

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Clearly easy access through a Variety of MODES of Transportation.

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According to Global News,

Within Vancouver Island, there’s Horne Lake Caves Provincial Park and Outdoor Centre.

It’s a place where Myles Fullmer helps people descend into darkness and illuminates visitors with new discoveries.

There are over 1,600 known caves on Vancouver Island alone.

More have been mapped and explored there than the rest of Canada combined.

It’s an underground world of fossils and crystals that often go unnoticed until it’s time to descend.

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Clearly they own many stores under the EZ-Vape name as they also franchise, but it seems perhaps their supply comes from Adrenochrome Labs located conveniently on Vancouver Island within close proximity to the states and Whidbey Island.

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One says closes root is up the Trans Canadian Highway.

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Do Tell. . .I wonder!

Covered some info about them in here and Who they really help like the Shadow Government while demonstrating a globalist agenda,

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Sanborn has revealed that the sculpture contains a riddle within a riddle, which will be solvable only after the four encrypted passages have been deciphered. Another, albeit amateur theory, contends that the true purpose of the sculpture is to assess nearby reactions, or to realize that the solution to plat 4 is not one of purely cryptanalysis; and rather, has its solution in the artist’s psychology. Vague notions of possible support for the theory points to the inclusion of petrified wood, and now, the patina itself, a possible nod that the sculpture would stand the test of time. An even less well known group of amateurs insists that the solution to Plate 4 exists, yet requires the safe application of electric current to the original copper.

I ask you, Who Likes their riddles? Satanists. . .they code in the world of "symbolism" because that can cross language barriers and gets directly into the subconscience. What are all the methods they Program, address your mind in a relaxed state for subliminal messaging? When and where are you more susceptible? How about when you are listening to frequencies on the radio or on the Tell a Vision Box in which they literally Tell you what they want you to know. . .what they want you to perceive. . .can the do so by using methods to "deceive?" YES!

Do you know why? Satan is. . .

Ephesians 2:2
“Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience:”

Remember the ways they communicate and will also signal using words for dual meanings and purposes when I show you what Trudeau had to say about a certain horrific accident later in this article.

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EZ-Vape close to Trans Canadian Highway,

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Will go back to EZ-Vapes and their location shortly, but let's look at the location of Adrenochromelabs

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Now notice what is close by,

Tervita is a mining company, then you have a lumber company, a Heavy Metals company that is on Stebbings Road.

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Island Stone and Landscape Supplies,

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Lots of mining companies actually near Adrenochromelabs. Just noting that it's interesting along with this recent article,

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Lots of construction and mining.

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Now keep your eye on Adrenochrome Labs location and address at 700 Shawnigan Lake Road,

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Close to lots of water and islands. That's convenient.

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See the Other areas it's close to?

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Now look at it like this,

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See Whidbey Island over there, also called Bunny Island. And don't forget Everett!

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Now let's go back briefly to briefly to. . .notice his Other vape shops and industry he is involved in,

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Now look at who this guy who owns that EZ-Vape shop and worked with Kahn is connected to as their web spreads,

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Found this article titled,

A list of Canadian sports tragedies

This on their site which sounded familiar,

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So poked around and what the. . .Seriously?

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Look at the flight number and the date anons,

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So you have a series of 6's with 9 also being 6 (as above so below) and a date that comes to 9/11

Sept. 7, 2011 or 9, 7, 2 (so another 9 as 7+2 is 9) and an 11. ..9911

The recovery for Lokomotiv Yaroslavl began with a phone call from a stranger.

"I contacted [the club] and said I'd be happy to give a hand," former NHL general manager Mike Smith said of reaching out days after the tragedy. "They were in deep shock. It was a catastrophic incident."

Hoping to salvage Lokomotiv's 2011-12 season, the Kontinental Hockey League offered to help assemble a new team. But it wasn't the right time for club president Yuri Yakovlev, who played for Yaroslavl before taking it over in 1989.

"They're used to having a Yaroslavl team. They were going to concentrate on their younger players and youth program," Smith said. "When they decided it would be in their best interest to rejoin the KHL, they would."

In assembling the roster, young prospects quickly went from being Lokomotiv's future to being their present. Many of them represented Yaroslaval last season in the VHL, a second-tier league below the KHL. Now called upon to represent Lokomotiv in Russia's top league

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See more information in articles like this found in sources below,

Canada’s Highway of Tears: Why Are Women Disappearing?


Young couple was killed near Canada’s infamous ‘Highway of Tears’

The young couple found murdered on a Canada roadway met their demise near a thoroughfare so notorious for bloodshed that it became known as the “Highway of Tears.”

Chynna Deese, 24, of Charlotte, North Carolina, and her beau, Lucas Robertson Fowler, 23, of Sydney, Australia, were found shot dead July 15 on the side of a remote highway in British Columbia, 12 miles south of Lilard Hot Springs, a popular tourist destination.

The pair was discovered close to the infamous roadway, which is a 450-mile stretch of Highway 16, which itself is a part of the Trans-Canada Highway system.

Over the past 40 years, authorities say, 18 women and girls have disappeared or been found murdered there. Locals suspect the death toll is higher.

“People know that their sisters and daughters are at risk if they go near this highway and perhaps wind up hitchhiking for an emergency reason,” investigative journalist Bob Friel, who had traveled the Highway of Tears, told CBS. “The number of victims varies with who you talk to. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police force says that there’s 18 victims. But if you talk to the local people, they believe the number is 33, 43, perhaps even more.”

Most of the victims were indigenous women — sparking political turmoil in British Columbia, the New York Times reported.

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Okay, so why are these murders Still happening?

Concerning this article titled,

14 dead, 14 hurt in Canadian hockey team bus crash

The team's roster shows that the Broncos' players range in age from 16 to 21, and are from Saskatchewan, Alberta and Manitoba.

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The lorry and bus collided on Friday at around 17:00 local time (23:00 GMT) on Highway 35, north of Tisdale in the province of Saskatchewan.

Notice the fourteen 14 for those killed and those taken to the hospital.

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So half of them killed half taken to the hospital. Notice the fish on John Podesta's hand and number 14. John Podesta, lifelong friend of the Clinton's worked for both of them and he and his brother collect interesting art and integral in the Madelein McCann murder (missing child case).

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Jeffrey Dahmer like statue in the home of his brother along with pedophilic art,

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n January 1979, on his father's urging, Dahmer enlisted in the U.S. Army, where he trained as a medical specialist at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas. On July 13, 1979, he was stationed in Baumholder, West Germany, where he served as a combat medic in 2nd Battalion, 68th Armored Regiment, 8th Infantry Division.

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Do your own search, you'll see with your own eyes. Let him who has Eyes to See!

Tony Podesta, John's brother,

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The DNC who adores Justin Trudeau has a Whole lot of skeletons in their closet which you never hear their voters or fans address. Stuff like this as they are All Great Friends,

How is Any of this good or justifiable?

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Now let's take another look at that bus crash of these young boys from Saskatchewan, Canada.

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Notice Fort Qu'Appelle

Interesting as historically this was a sanatorium.

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As reported by ABC,

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So likely a place where at least Some Elitists engage,

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So the language is interesting in this Vanguard article. . .considering what I told you earlier about Justin Trudeau and some of his pedophile buddies,

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In light of This,

Though this foundation was started by his father, Justin Trudeau was directly involved in overseeing the operation from its creation in 2002 until 2014, and is expected to return to it upon his retirement from politics. Given those facts it is highly unlikely he is still not heavily in contact with those running the foundation in the meantime.

Over on 8chan some users have pointed out that this possible link to pedophilia, does in fact possibly offer an alternative explanation for some mysterious occurrences that occurred around Trudeau earlier in his life.

As mentioned earlier, before Justin followed his father’s footsteps into politics, he was a teacher at West Point Grey Academy, an elite K-12 school — a school that shockingly had two separate sets of parents shot dead during the time he was teaching. Officials called the killings “gangland murders” at the time.

Keep in mind this “gangland violence” was apparently occurring to parents sending their children to an incredibly expensive private sleep-away Canadian prep school. The murders also happened to parents with no previous criminal records, but who were suddenly labeled mafia loan sharks after their violent and unexpected deaths.

Nobody associated with the school believed the “gangland” excuse at the time, and they still don’t.

See here where this was released.

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Taken from here,

Found inside of here as mentioned earlier,

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Now I'm not sure how far in one must dig to find it on their regular website, as possibly they took it down once people started viewing the FBI unclassified pedophile symbols back in 2016 after the Podesta wikileaks and info related to Hillary Clinton's connections to Marina Abramovic.

I did located this on page 3 here,

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Just interesting isn't it?

Remember Trudeau's best friend and roommate?

Ingvaldson, 42, a long-term close friend of Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, has been found guilty of child pornography charges after being caught directing an international pedophile ring.

Ingvaldson entered guilty pleas in B.C. Provincial Court in Vancouver to accessing child pornography and possession of child porn. He was also initially charged with two counts of importing or distributing child pornography.

At the time he was charged, Royal Canadian Mounted Police said that 11 members of the pedophile ring in three countries – Canada, Australia and the U.K. – had also been arrested in their respective countries.

Justin Trudeau and Ingvaldson have been closely linked since their days as room-mates at college, and after completing their teaching degrees they were both accepted to teach at West Point Grey Academy, an elite Vancouver private boarding school.

After becoming Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau encouraged Ingvaldson to run for political office as a member of the Liberal Party. Ingvaldson announced his desire to be the Liberal MP candidate in the district of Vancouver-Kingsway, and developed a social media pages announcing his plans to run.

However his arrest and subsequent imprisonment on child porn and pedophilia charges have ended any chance Ingvaldson had of entering politics, even in Trudeau’s liberal Canada.

More info in sources at the bottom.

Regarding the "feeder" statement, yes I know they're talking sports, but why do certain globalists also make it Known they talk in code?

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What in the world? What does this have Anything to do with Adrenochrome Labs?

You decide. Let he or she who has eyes to see, SEE, for all the Naysayers, Haters, and Head in the Sand Burriers. . .well, as the awake say, *Some will Choose NOT to know." Those who do, can't sleep. Many sleepless nights!

Get ready for a jaunt, many of you Already know Exactly where I am headed!

Will drop the link in with connections if you are able to Read between the lines after a while!

2nd article in this Adrenochrome series and elitists families signaling coming soon.

Part 2 connector article found here,

Trudeau and Richard Branson connected to Bronfmans, the Prince is PM supporter, which ties to Lynn Forester de Rothschild whose nephew is CEO of a company connected to the airport where Epstein was arrested. Suicide they say? Power of Globalist Pushers!

Update. . .got info from a credible source who backs up his info. gave me this link and am hoping to do updates on yet another tie in to the Clinton Foundation concerning the couple I covered over a year ago connected to the generic Pharm industry.

Thank you Patriot and Great Guardian of Children, Ken for this Key info!


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