Starting Over....

Just when I thought I would be able to have time for myself, my youngest daughter would be heading off to college in just three years. I start mentally planning my life without having my three daughters at home. Think how the years have flown by so fast and how I have a grown daughter @trendytraveler that is off to college and moving on with her life making great friends. Having two daughter left at home one a sophomore and the other a freshman. Just thinking of the moment I drop them off to start a new chapter of their life which means mine I will also start a new chapter of my life without kids in my house on a daily. That I would have to wait until holidays or vacations to have all my girls back under one roof. Just as I start to get happy with everything I will be able to start doing in just a couple short years the unexpected happens. I get a call wanting to know if I would like to adopt four young boys in my family who will be put up for adoption and will be placed in different foster homes.

Wait what is this joke… these boys are 4, 5, 6 and 8! What this is not my plan… Starting over? I am just steps from being free to do my own life adventures without having children around, Being able to sleep in, buying less food but mostly not having to run children around on a daily. Now I have so many question..

What person in their right mind would agree to such a thing? Give up the freedom of not having children running around my house.

Are boys easy to raise? My girls was a joy to raise they didn’t give me many issues. I think Que might have gotten in a little trouble once in elementary.

Does this mean these boys will come with behaviors since they have been taken from their parents?

Am I a evil person if I say no I don’t want these boy? This isn’t really my issues… right?

Most of all how will my girls feel? Having boys in the house and having them in their space.

After spending many sleepless night giving this much thoughts. I had to made the decision to bring this boys into our home and make them part of the family. I decided I have been shown so much love and I understood it wouldn’t be easy because they have been through so much but I know in the long run these boys will see what true unconditional love is.

So here I go on this journey of raise boys and hope you guys will also take this journey with me as I adopt these boys.


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