Spash Page for SLH Mastery

First, the SeaLifeHits surf badges are Turtles today not Angry Crabs. angrycrab.png Maybe tomorrow.

Yesterday, I told you I was going to work on the splash pages I needed to qualify for SeaLifeHits Mastery challenge in ClickTrackProfits. I got one done. Here is what I came up with.

Attacking Fish

I would love to know what you think about it. The more feedback I can get the better. So, please, take a few seconds, view the page and let me know what you think - good and bad. I really appreciate your time and efforts to provide feedback.

Also, as predicted yesterday, creating this squeeze page took me a lot longer than it should. As you probably noticed, I used Adkreator to create the page. It made creating the page fairly easy. The thing that slowed me down the most was picking a template to use. There is almost 200 squeeze page templates and I looked at every one before I picked one. Then, I had to figure out a workaround for an Adkreator limitation. It doesn't provide a way to assign a URL to the button. I got around this by making the whole page a link. You got to do what you got to do.

I call it a limitation but I think it actually is an advantage for many part-time affiliate marketers. Adkreator is designed to produce very professional looking graphics for those of us who have no desire to become graphic artists. It is not uncommon to reduce functionality in order to make use easier. I think Adkreator has done an outstanding job combining ease of use with functionality. I am sure you have used software that has so much functionality that it becomes very difficult to use.

This was very true of the video editor I used called VideoPad by NCH Software. This software lets you combine videos, add images, modify sound tracks and I am sure much, much more. All I needed to do was create a short clip from a longer video. Creating the short clip was no problem but saving it. I found another one of my workarounds to save the clip. I exported it and that seems to have saved it but I still don't know how to just save an edited video even after reading and watching all the tutorials. Maybe I will figure it out next time I use the software.

Now I need to move on to the second splash page I need (no guarantee it will be done tomorrow) and continue my quest for Angry Crabs.


PS - As always your constructive comments are not only welcome but encourage. I can't get better without your help. Thank you in advance.

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