Grandma Fell Over Again

Screenshot at 2017-08-03 19-19-32.png

You lose coordination when you lack enough Adenine (Vitamin B4). White sugar was REFINED. Many things that are WHITE was REFINED. Bread should be BROWN and not WHITE. It is ok if people are WHITE. But WHITE bread means they took good stuff out of the bread. They took out the ADENINE and other good stuff.

This is scary. Be scared of the WHITE food. Be careful. Remember that the REFINING process is so scary because that means they took many good vitamins and enzymes out of the food and that messes up your body. Because your body needs to take it all in together.

Our body is like a building. Food is supplies which are required for building the building. When you do not have all of the items, the stuff, as an architect, & if you do not follow your blueprints, your instructions, recipes, your everything that you need completely at the right times and in the right orders without too many deficiencies.......

.......Then it is very bad. You need everything from the natural food to go into your body. Your body needs all of it TOGETHER. But keep it not too WHITE. But it is ok if you are WHITE.

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