ADAB — First Islamic Crypto Exchange

ADAB Solutions — is building up the FICE — First Islamic Crypto Exchange, in view of the standards of Shariah. The anticipated volume of every day exchanging on the First Islamic Crypto Exchange is $ 140 million and a month to month turnover of $ 4.2 billion amid the first and a half long stretches of task of the trade. Thus, the usage of the ADAB Solutions undertaking will make a worldwide framework, that works on the standards of Islamic back, and the network that manages the improvement of Islamic crypto-financial matters. ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of halal digital currency exchanges, giving access to the cryptographic money showcase for the Muslim Ummah , which represents 22% of the total populace and oversees Islamic monetary resources with an anticipated volume of 3.8 trillion USD.

Halal or not halal
The theoretical idea of cryptographic forms of money has activated discussion among Islamic researchers about whether digital currencies are religiously allowable. Digital money organizations are looking to influence the discussion by propelling instruments dependent on physical resources and ensured as legitimate by Islamic guides.
Each OneGram digital money unit is supported by no less than a gram of physical gold put away in a vault. The thought is to constrain hypothesis.
“Gold was among the main types of cash in Islamic social orders, so this is fitting,” said Ibrahim Mohammed, the Briton who established the firm with different financial specialists a year ago.
“We are endeavoring to demonstrate guidelines and controls from sharia are completely perfect with computerized blockchain innovation.”
A huge number of dollars worth of the cash has been issued up until now. Around 60 percent of the arranged number of coins stays to be sold; OneGram plans to issue them all before posting them on trades around the finish of May.
OneGram acquired a decision that its cryptographic money adjusts with Islamic standards from Dubai-based Al Maali Consulting.
It is one of many warning firms far and wide that offer their assessment on whether money related instruments meet Islamic law principles.
In Malaysia, HelloGold propelled an underlying offer of its gold-sponsored digital currency in October, accepting endorsement from Islamic researchers at Kuala Lumpur-based Amanie Advisors.
Manuel Ho, HelloGold’s head advertising officer, said its coin was Islamic as exchanges happened inside a characterized period, making them less unpredictable and tending to the issue of vagueness of valuing.
Among different investigations, United Arab Emirates-based Halal Chain led an underlying coin offer in December which is connected to information on Islamically allowable products.
With the end goal to ADAB Solutions as a cryptographic money undertaking to be Halal, it is intended to actualize the accompanying measures: The advancement of the task will be founded on the innovative endeavors of the coordinators and their work. As indicated by the standards of Islamic morals, it is correct that the wellspring of riches is claim work inputs and the enterprising endeavors.
First Islamic Crypto Exchange will totally avoid the likelihood of theoretical exchanges, edge exchanging and tasks that don’t compare to Shariah. This will bar the Gharar and Maisir and Riba from crafted by the Exchange.
FICE stage ready to deal with 3 million solicitations for every second, making FICE the one of the quickest crypto trades. Clients of FICE will be ensured that their applications will never be suspended because of clog of the stage.
ADAB Solutions will pass Islamic specialists evaluation on consistence with the standards of Shariah. ADAB Solutions sorts out the Shariah Advisory Board at First Islamic Crypto Exchange. ADAB Solutions is established to make a stage for halal tasks, to work in a full consistence with the standards of Islam and Islamic fund. Our errand is to encourage Muslims and the network of crypto-financial specialists to comprehend what in the market the digital forms of money is agreeable with the Shariah rules and what does not. ADAB Solutions continues from the way that this task will for the most part advantage the market, since halal activities in their substance have utility and esteem, and their definition will add to the improvement of valuable thoughts and an abatement in the quantity of undertakings in the market, which are haram in its pith.
We take care of the issues of the Muslim people group, for example,
ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of halal cryptographic money tasks
ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of intemperate dangers of cryptographic money frameworks
ADAB Solutions will take care of the issue of creating Islamic cryptographic money foundation
Nonappearance of a crypto trade, working as per the standards of Shariah
The absence of a brought together position of the Muslim people group in regards to the cryptographic money
Vulnerability of Muslims in regards to the tolerability of working with cryptographic forms of money
From the turnover of existing crypto trades, zakat isn’t paid.
The issue of the digital money showcase:
The to a great degree low contribution of Muslims in the cryptographic money showcase
Absence of network trust in the key devices of crypto financial aspects
Absence of another business sectors and speculators
The significance of the Adab Solutions venture for members and its uniqueness: The Adab Solutions venture has no analogs on the planet. Today, there is certainly not a solitary cryptographic money stage or a crypto trade, which would ensure exercises dependent on Shariah. Adab Solutions will be the main venture that will permit performing digital money exchanges as per the standards of Islamic back and based on Shariah standards.
The Adab Solutions venture is intended to a gigantic gathering of people of 1.8 billion potential Muslim clients of the digital money showcase. Projectibility of the task. The Adab Solutions venture is outlined as per the most noteworthy security measures and has novel specialized highlights of key programming arrangements. The Adab Solutions venture frames an arrangement of qualities dependent on Shariah standards and standards of Islamic fund, which will end up being simply the premise direction of the digital currency showcase and will build the level of trust in a key cryptographic money instruments.
Full straightforwardness of the Adab Solutions venture. Straightforwardness of the venture and safe wards will make it conceivable to purchase and offer digital forms of money for fiat cash. Destinations and mission of the task
The ADAB Solutions venture is building up the FICE-First Islamic Crypto Exchange , dependent on the standards of Shariah. The motivation behind the ADAB Solutions venture is the production of a crypto — trade stage, a stock trade and administrations that agree to the standards of the Shariah and work on the standards of Islam.
The mission of the ADAB Solutions venture is to make conditions and administrations dependent on the high good and social estimations of Islam and give access to all clients of crypto financial aspects.
The key errand of ADAB Solutions is to make a structure that will set up new moral norms for working together in the business. ADAB — gauges of conduct recommended by the standards of the Shariah, including great behavior, benchmarks of goodness, politeness, mankind. The name of ADAB Solutions is a major duty regarding the makers of the undertaking.
ADAB is a lifestyle in Islam, which the authors of the undertaking think about normal in regular daily existence, as well as a mandatory establishment of business relations.
ICO Details
Name of the token ADAB
Total number of tokens — 500.000.000
The price of the token is 0.1 USD
Method of payment — BTC, ETH
Soft Cap — 2.500.000 $
Hard Cap -17.290.000 $
Start — 25.07.2018 year
The end is on 15.11.2018
Minimum volume of sales — 1000 ADAB
Timur Turzhan Founder & CEO
Rustam Turzhan Co — founder & COO
Maxat Salpyn Deputy CEO on Islamic finance
Aleksander Mamasidikov CMO
User Name: Md. Topajjul Hossen Rasel
bitcointalk profile:
My Ether Add: 0xDa049fB3fB68807d82BAcdD08908967da72C854B

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