Acts Of Kindness Challenge : Helping Others Make Us Happy (Kindness is Priceless)i

Kindness costs nothing but it can make our world a wonderful place to live,We're in disgusting place where the good is hard to find

Kindness cannot be defined in proper words but in simple words kindness can be defined as a caring and righteous attitude towards human beings without expect anything in return 

Many famous people  around the world do kind acts not because they mean that,but for making show in front of the media so those are doing business

I want share with you an  awesome kind story 

In my neighborhood there is a child who see his father killing his mother in front him,He is about 12 years old . All his family have dead, he has no one to help him,he  has to deal with this in this cruel world alone.

If he grow up in this circumstances he will turns into a beast who would make anything to survive , he wouldn't care for anything.

There is an old woman sympathize with him, she doesn't have children so she adopt him and take care of for all his expenses

She is doing a great example of kindness, she saved this innocent child from terrible fate 

There's still good in the world.

Kindness accepted everywhere. 

We're the ones who make the world extremely awful and we're the ones who could make it pretty awesome.  

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